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Date: 02-04-2025
Case Style:
Case Number: AC46883
Judge: Heidi G. Winslow
Court: Superior Court, Danbury, Connecticut
Plaintiff's Attorney:
Defendant's Attorney:
Description: Danbury, Connecticut family law lawyers represented the parties in a breach of contract dispute custody and visitation dispute.
The plaintiff, Priscilla I. Cardona, appeals from the judgment of the trial court awarding the defendant, Raymond J. Padilla,[1] who lives in Florida, primary physical custody of their minor child (child) and ordering visitation for the plaintiff with the child. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the court abused its discretion in making its custody and visitation orders and by issuing an order pursuant to Practice Book § 25-26 (g) when neither party has filed excessive motions or pleadings in this case.
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Legal issue Did the trial court abuse its discretion in issuing custody and visitation orders that did not provide for the active and consistent involvement of both parents as required by state law?
Key Phrases Application for custody. Joint legal custody. Primary physical custody. Visitation orders. Abuse of discretion.
Outcome: Reversed
Plaintiff's Experts:
Defendant's Experts: