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Date: 03-16-2022

Case Style:

Kevin Lipman, et al. v. County Executive Cuyahoga County, et al.

Case Number: 1:18-cv-02985-PAG

Judge: Patricia A. Gaughan

Court: United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio (Cuyahoga County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Jay Deratany, Megan O'Connor, Tom Silk, Rossevelt Allen

Defendant's Attorney: Amanda M. Steve, Matthew D. Greenwell, Patrick Roche

Description: Cleveland, Ohio personal injury lawyers represented Plaintiffs, who sued Defendant claiming that the Defendants violated the civil rights of Ta'Naejah McCloud, deceased.

Outcome: 03/14/2022 138 Proposed Stipulation filed by Marquetese Betts, Marquetese Betts, Cuyahoga County, Ada Jackson, Ada Jackson, Kristina Quint, Kristina Quint. (Roche, Patrick) (Entered: 03/14/2022)
03/14/2022 139 Order: Stipulation for Dismissal and Judgment Entry. The attorneys for the respective parties, do hereby stipulate that this case is settled. All claims, counterclaims, and crossclaims asserted herein by, against, and among Plaintiffs and Defendants Cuyahoga County, Marquetese Betts, Ada Jackson, and Kristina Quint (collectively "County Defendants") are hereby dismissed with prejudice. Plaintiffs and County Defendants shall pay their own respective court costs. This Court shall retain jurisdiction over the settlement. Judge Patricia A. Gaughan on 3/14/22. LC,S) re 138 (Entered: 03/14/2022)

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