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Date: 11-13-2008

Case Style: Donald Bender v. City of Los Angeles

Case Number:


Court: Superior Court, Los Angeles County, California

Plaintiff's Attorney: Matthew McNicholas, McNicholas & McNicholas, LLP, Los Angeles, California

Defendant's Attorney: Deputy City Attorney Daniel Aguilera

Description: Officer Donald Bender sued the City of Los Angeles for retaliating against him by stripping him of rank and kicked him out of the Police Department's canine bomb unit LAX after he stood up for a sexually harassed colleague. Bender was a 21-year veteran of LAPD.

The City claimed that Bender was disciplined because he improperly stored dangerous equipment containing explosives used to train the department's bomb-detecting dogs. It also claimed that Bender was insubordinate and had problems getting along with others in the unit.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $3.6 million.

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