Mandamus Law

Call 888-354-4529 if you need a Criminal Defense Attorney in Ohio.

On July 18, 2019, Jon Harmon filed a petition for writ of mandamus to
compel Judge Edward E. O’Farrell to... More...
   $0 (10-20-2019 - OH)

Solomon Oduyale v. California State Board of Pharmacy

In July 2013, the Executive Officer of the California State Board of Pharmacy (the
Board) filed an accusation against pharmacist Solomon Oduyale, citing 20 charges for
discipline and seeking revocation of his pharmacist license. By August 2016, Oduyale
had successfully challenged all but nine of the charges for discipline against him. The
Board then ordered Oduyale's pharmacist lic... More...
   $0 (10-16-2019 - CA)

James Pierce, et al v. The City of Gallipolis

If you need a Negligence and Nuisance Attorney in Ohio, call at 888-354-4529.

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Supershuttle International, Inc. v. Labor and Workforce Development Agency

MoreLaw Legal Marketing Services
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The general question presented is whether an employer can
sue... More...
   $0 (10-08-2019 - CA)


If you need a Foreclosure Attorney in Ohio, call at 888-354-4529.

MoreLaw Virtual Receptionists
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Susan Franciere v. City of Mandan

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

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On August 14, 2017, Franciere and her dog were attacked by a dog in Man... More...
   $0 (09-24-2019 - ND)

John Doe v. Occidental College

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Occidental College expelled John Doe for violating its
sexual misconduct policy after h... More...
   $0 (09-24-2019 - CA)

Abdulmouti Alaama v. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Inc.

Business and Professions Code section 809.11 requires a
hospital peer review board to give a physician notice and the
right to request a hearing when the hospital revokes or
terminates the physician’s membership, staff privileges, or
employment for a “medical disciplinary cause or reason.” In 2016
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Inc., doing business as
PIH Health Hosp... More...
   $0 (09-19-2019 - CA)

In re Robert Lee Hicks

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

MoreLaw Virtual Receptionists
Call Morelaw @ 888-354-4529 For A Receptionist for Less Than a Dollar an Ho... More...   $0 (09-18-2019 - TX)

In re James McBride

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

MoreLaw Virtual Receptionists
Call Morelaw @ 888-354-4529 For A Receptionist for Less Than a Dollar an Ho... More...   $0 (09-16-2019 - TX)

In re Lonnie Henry Rector, Jr.

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

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Relator... More...
   $0 (09-15-2019 - TX)

In re Jairl Luther Grant

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

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In re Albert Hardeman

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

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Call MORELAW @ 888-354-4529 to get Our Team TO Answer Your Phone When You Can... More...   $0 (09-15-2019 - TX)

In re Terry Matthew Davis

Call Kent Morlan at 888-354-4529 if you need a lawyer ⚖

MoreLaw Virtual Receptionists
Call MORELAW @ 888-354-4529 to get Our Team TO Answer Your Phone When You Can... More...   $0 (09-15-2019 - TX)

Patricia I. Ermini v. Mike Scott

This case arises out of a routine wellness check that went badly awry. The underlying episode began with three Lee County deputies stopping by to check on 71-year-old Patricia Ermini at the request of her daughter—and ended with the deputies shooting Erm... More...
   $0 (09-11-2019 - CA)

Shirli Fabri Weiss, as Trustee, etc. v. City of Del Mar, Torrey Pacific Corporation, Real Party in Interest

Shirli Weiss, as trustee for her trust, applied under a local scenic view ordinance to
compel a neighboring property owner to trim and maintain its landscaping. After the city
denied her application, Weiss petitioned... More...
   $0 (09-04-2019 - CA)

Keschel Collins v. Tony Thurmond, as Superintendent, etc.

The present case arises from information released to the public regarding
suspensions, transfers, and other disciplinary proceedings in the Kern High School
District of Kern County (KHSD). The data released allegedly demonstrates that racial
bias has affected how KHSD disciplines minority stude... More...
   $0 (08-29-2019 - CA)

Robbie Emery Burke v. Vic Regaldo and Stanley Glanz

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office (“TCSO”) runs the Tulsa County Jail (“the
jail”). In 2011, Elliott Williams was jailed there. Shortly after his booking, he severely
injured his neck, causing lower body paralysis. No one treated his injury. Despite his
frequ... More...
   $0 (08-22-2019 - OK)

William E. Davis v. Mariposa County Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors of Mariposa County (the County or respondent) adopted
a resolution to levy an annual “assessment” of $80 upon certain real property to fund
expenditures related to firefighting services. The affected residents had been given the
opportunity to vote on the proposed levy, and it was supported by 61 percent of the
voters. The County claimed to have acted pursu... More...
   $0 (08-21-2019 - CA)

William T. Schmitt v. Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State

Plaintiffs William T. Schmitt and Chad Thompson submitted proposed ballot initiatives to the Portage County Board of Elections that would effectively decriminalize marijuana possession in the Ohio villages of Garrettsville and Windham. The Board declined to certify the proposed initia... More...
   $0 (08-16-2019 - OH)

In re Simon Fletcher

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... More...
   $0 (08-14-2019 - TX)

Jose Robles v. Employment Development Department

This is the third chapter in our appellate review of this controversy, which
involves the wrongful denial of unemployment benefits by respondents Employment
Development Department (EDD) and the California Unemployment Insurance Board
(Board). After both EDD and the Board rejected a claim for unemployment benefits filed
by Jose Robles—and the trial court denied Robles’s petitio... More...
   $0 (08-04-2019 - CA)

Mary Hubbard v. Coastal Commission

Under the California Coastal Act (Pub. Resources Code, § 30000,
et seq.), anyone wishing to build a development in the coastal zone must
obtain a coastal development permit (CDP) from the California Coastal
Commission (Commission) or, if a local coastal program (LCP) has been
certified by the Commission, from the applicable local government
agency. (Pub. Resources Code, § 30600... More...
   $0 (08-01-2019 - CA)

Glenn R. Simmons v. Joe Allbaugh

Petitioner, Glynn R. Simmons, is an Oklahoma state prisoner appearing pro se in this matter. However, at the time the Petition was filed and through the filing of his Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Report and Recommendation, Petitioner appeared through counsel, Rand Eddy. The Court granted Mr. Eddy leave to withdraw his appearance after the Objection was filed. See Order [Doc. No. 28] (J. Mil... More...   $0 (07-23-2019 - OK)

City of Hesperia v. Lake Arrowhead Community Services District

Over the years since at least 1959, the Legislature has attempted to achieve a
balance between the state's interest in allowing local agencies to produce, generate, store,
and transmit water or electrical energy and the cites' and counties' control over local
building and zoning. This appeal requires the court to consider whether a solar energy
project proposed by a local ag... More...
   $0 (07-21-2019 - CA)

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