Mandamus Law
The State of Texas v. Reynaldo Lerma

Lerma was indicted for capital murder in connection with the death of Joel Espino.
The State’s theory of the case, as it emerges from the record before us, is that Espino and his
roommate Andrew Alejandro were n... More...
   $0 (12-11-2018 - TX)

Lamon Joshua Bater v. The State of Texas

Appellant Lamon Joshua Bater filed a pro se notice of appeal “from the denial
of his objections to his conditions of probation,” which the “trial court has
ordered . . . to continue unchan... More...
   $0 (12-10-2018 - TX)


These consolidated mandamus petitions require us to decide whether two professional photographers bringing separate copyright infringement actions are bound by a forum selection clause in contracts they did not
sign. We conclude that the photographers are not bound because t... More...
   $0 (11-23-2018 - PA)

MIchael Rasooly v. City of Oakley

MoreLaw Helps Lawyers Make Money

The City of Oakley (City) initiated abatement proceedings seeking to demolish an
industrial building ... More...
   $0 (11-22-2018 - CA)

Citizens For Amending Proposition L v. City of Pomona

In June 1993, appellant City of Pomona (Pomona) entered
into an agreement with non-party Regency Outdoor Advertising,
Inc. (Regency). Pursuant to that agreement, Regency erected
advertising billboards alongside several Pomona freeways.
Shortly thereafter, in November 1993, the citizens of Pomona
passed a ballot initiative, Proposition L (Prop. L), which
prohibited the const... More...
   $0 (11-09-2018 - CA)

Victor Guerrero v. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Victor Guerrero, a Mexican immigrant and aspiring California correctional officer,
filed a federal action alleging discriminatory failure-to-hire against the California
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (the CDCR), among other defendants. He
pled federal and state law claims, but only his state claims allowed him to seek general
The federal court dismissed G... More...
   $0 (11-08-2018 - CA)

State of Iowa v. Beau Tremaine Berge

In July 2007, Berge was charged with one felony drug count in Dickinson
County case No. FECR016893, as well as two related charges in case Nos.
SM065539 and SM062381. Berge retained private counsel and fil... More...
   $0 (11-06-2018 - IA)

Contractor's State Licensing Board v. The Superior Court of Contra Costa County,Black Diamond Electric, Inc.

The Contractors’ State License Board (the Board) seeks a writ of mandate to
compel respondent superior court to sustain the Board’s demurrer to an action brought by
real party in interest, Black Diamond Electric, Inc. (BDE) seeking a declaratory
The action seeks judicial construction of statutory terms at issue in disciplinary
proceedings initiated against BDE by the ... More...
   $0 (10-31-2018 - CA)

The State of Texas v. Reynaldo Lerma

Lerma was indicted for capital murder in connection with the death of Joel Espino.
The State’s theory of the case, as it emerges from the record before us, is that Espino and his
roommate Andrew Alejandro were nar... More...   $0 (10-30-2018 - TX)

Edgar Bacilio v. City of Los Angeles

The Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act
(POBRA), Government Code section 3300 et seq.,1 requires public
agencies investigating misconduct by a public safety officer to
complete their investigation and notify the officer of any proposed
discipline within one year of discovering the misconduct. (§ 3304,
subd. (d)(1).) If the possible misconduct “is also the subje... More...
   $0 (10-26-2018 - CA)

Save Lafayette Trees v. City of Lafayatte, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Real Party in Interest

Petitioners Save Lafayette Trees, Michael Dawson and David Kosters (collectively
Save Lafayette Trees) appeal an order sustaining without leave to amend a demurrer to
their petition for writ of mandate challenging the City of Lafayette’s (city) approval of a
Letter of Agreement for Tree Removal (agreement) with real party in interest Pacific Gas
and Electric Company (PG&E). Save La... More...
   $0 (10-24-2018 - CA)

Michael E. Barri v. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board

Michael E. Barri (Barri), Tristar Medical Group (Tristar), and Coalition for
Sensible Workers’ Compensation Reform (CSWCR) petitioned this court pursuant to
Labor Code section 5955 (all further statutory references are to the Labor Code, unless
otherwise indicated). They seek a peremptory or alternative writ of mandate, prohibition,
or other appropriate relief directing the Workers... More...
   $0 (10-21-2018 - CA)

E.V. v. Eugene H. Robinson, Jr.

We must decide whether the doctrine of federal sovereign immunity bars this suit for injunctive relief against Lieutenant Colonel Eugene H. Robinson, Jr., (“Judge Robinson”) in his official capacity as a military ju... More...
   $0 (10-19-2018 - CA)

Ex parte Christopher Gene Kulow

Morelaw Internet Marketing
National Find A Lawyer Directory

Kulow, a former deputy jailer, was convicted after a jury trial in 2015 of the
Cla... More...
   $0 (10-17-2018 - TX)

Jackpot Harvesting Company, Inc. v. The Superior Court of Monterey County, Jose Roberto Lainez

Labor Code section 226.2,1 which became effective January 1, 2016, addresses the
manner in which piece-rate employees are to be compensated for rest and recovery
periods and other nonproductive time on the job (collectively, rest/NP time).
Subdivision (b) of the statute (hereafter section 226.2(b)) provides a safe harbor for an
employer that, prior to 2016, failed to properly compe... More...
   $0 (10-16-2018 - CA)


In August 2014, Carter pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated robbery in
four separate cases. Per the plea agreement, the state agreed to a sentence of
consecutive two-year prison terms on each offense. The trial court in fac... More...
   $0 (10-15-2018 - OH)

Colby Taylor Lee v. The State of Texas

Colby Taylor Lee was charged by information and complaint with driving while intoxicated. He subsequently entered into a “Pre-Trial Intervention Agreement” with the State. In the... More...
   $0 (10-13-2018 - TX)

John Doe v. University of Southern California

The superior court granted former University of Southern
California student John Doe’s petition for writ of administrative
mandamus and ordered USC’s Office of Student Judicial Affairs
and Community Standards (SJACS) to vacate its decision to
discipline Doe for violating the university’s academic integrity
standards. On appeal USC1
contends the superior court erred in
c... More...
   $0 (10-10-2018 - CA)

Jackpot Harvesting Company, Inc. v. The Superior Court of Monterey County, Jose Roberto Lainez

Labor Code section 226.2,1 which became effective January 1, 2016, addresses the
manner in which piece-rate employees are to be compensated for rest and recovery
periods and other nonproductive time on the job (collectively, rest/NP time).
Subdivision (b) of the statute (hereafter section 226.2(b)) provides a safe harbor for an
employer that, prior to 2016, failed to properly compe... More...
   $0 (10-09-2018 - CA)


Companion Case

On appeal, Owens argues that (1) the Court of Appeals erred in
dismissing his petition for writ as moot, and (2) the trial court erred ... More...
   $0 (10-06-2018 - KY)


The Presbyterian Ministry Agency (PMA) hired Reverend Eric Hoey as the
Director of Evangelism and Church Growth. During his tenure in that
position, Hoey acted with other ministers to incorporate an entity separat... More...
   $0 (10-01-2018 - KY)

In re Blaise Allen Johnson

Relator, Blaise Allen Johnson, has filed a second petition for writ of
mandamus, seeking to have the trial court appoint and pay for expert witnesses and
grant his motion to suppress.1 ... More...
   $0 (09-25-2018 - TX)

Francis A. Bottini, Jr. v. City of San Diego

Office of the City Attorney, Mara W. Elliott, City Attorney, and Carmen A.
Brock, Deputy City Attorney, for Defendants and Appellants.
Francis A. Bottini, Jr., Nina M. Bottini, and the Bernate Ticino Trust dated March
9, 2009, Trust 3 (the Bottinis) applied to the City of San Diego for a coastal development
permit (CDP) to construct a single-family home on a vacant lot in La Jolla.... More...
   $0 (09-21-2018 - CA)

Oglala Sioux Tribe, et al. v. Lisa Fleming, Mark Vargos, Honorable Craig Pfeifle, Lynne A. Valenti

The Oglala Sioux Tribe, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and tribal members Madonna
Pappan and Lisa Young brought this action against various South Dakota officials
under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. They challenged procedures used in proceedings brought by
the State to remove children tem... More...
   $0 (09-18-2018 - SD)

Joe Ribakoff v. City of Long Beach

Joe Ribakoff, a frequent attendee at meetings of the Long
Beach Transit Company Board of Directors, filled out a public
speaker’s card and spoke on agenda item 10 at the board’s
August 24, 2015 meeting for the three minutes allowed each
public speaker on an agenda item. When he rose to speak a
second time on the same agenda item, it was during the board’s
deliberation and v... More...
   $0 (09-16-2018 - CA)

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