Connecticut Copyright infringement Law

William A. Valls v. Allstate Insurance Company

This appeal arises from the multitude of lawsuits filed by
Connecticut homeowners whose basement walls were likely
constructed with defective concrete manufactured by the now‐defunct
J.J. Mottes Company—the so‐called “crumbling concrete cases.”
Plaint... More...
   $0 (04-02-2019 - CT)

Donna L. Soto v. Bushmaster Firearms International, LLC, et al.

On December 14, 2012, twenty year old
Adam Lanza forced his way into Sandy Hook Elemen-
tary School in Newtown and, during the course of 264
seconds, fatally shot twenty first grade children and six
staff members, and wounded two other staff members.
Lanza carried... More...
   $0 (03-15-2019 - CT)


United States Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit

In March 2014, Hartford police detective James Campbell and 10
Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) special agent Michael 11
Schatz––members of a DEA task force––were investigating a large‐12
scale  heroin‐trafficking  organization  operating  out  of  Hartford.
Based  on  information  from  a  wiretap  and  cooperating  sources, 1
Campbell and Schatz suspect... More...
   $0 (12-30-2017 - CT)


Supreme Court of New Jersey

On September 30, 2011, Halton filed three separate complaints, alleging that Burkert committed the petty disorderly persons offense of harassment on January 8, 9, and 11, 2011, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4(c).1 A three-day trial was held in
1 A petty disorderly persons offense is punishable by up to thirty days in jail. N.J.S.A. 2C:43-8.
the Elizabeth ... More...
   $0 (12-21-2017 - CT)


United States Court of Appeals For the Second Circuit

This appeal arises out of a traffic stop of Defendant‐Appellant 2
Brayan Gomez.  During surveillance in connection with a heroin‐3
trafficking investigation in Hartford, Connecticut, officers observed 4
Gomez  commit  several  traffic  violations  and  stopped  his  car.  5
During  the  five‐minute  traffic  stop,  the  officers  prolonged  the 6
seizure ... More...
   $0 (12-08-2017 - CT)

United States v. Ganias

In August 2003, agents of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division
(“Army CID”) received an anonymous tip that Industrial Property Management
(“IPM”), a company providing security for and otherwise maintaining a
government-owned property in Stratford, Connecticut, pursuant to an Army
contract, had engaged in misconduct in connection with that work. In particular,
the... More...
   $0 (05-30-2016 - CT)

Pepperidge Farm, Inc. v. Trader Joe's Comapny

Hartford, CT - Pepperidge Farm, Inc. sued Trader Joe's Company on a trademark infringement theory under 15 U.S.C. 1051 claiming that Defendant's Crispy Cookies too closely resembled its Milano brand.

Trader Joe's did not appear or answer.... More...
   $0 (04-01-2016 - CT)

State Of Connecticut v. Santiago

Defendant was found guilty of capital felony and sentenced to death. While Defendant’s appeal was pending, the legislature passed Public Act 12-5, which repealed the death penalty for all crimes committed on or after April 25, 2012. On June 12, 2012, the Supreme Court affirmed Defendant’s judgment of conviction but reversed his death sentence and remanded for a new penalty phase hearing, concludin... More...    $0 (11-30-2015 - CT)

Schaghticoke Indian Tribe v. Michael J. Rost

The self-represented defendant in this summary process eviction action, Michael J. Rost, appeals from the trial court’s judgment of possession rendered in favor of the plaintiffs, the Schaghticoke Indian Tribe (SIT) and the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation (STN). The defendant claims that the court improperly (1) exercised jurisdiction by adjudicating a summary process action involving sovereign reser... More...    $0 (09-16-2012 - CT)

Brian Crotty v. Tuccio Development, Inc.

This appeal addresses issues arising from the trial court’s determination of probable cause in granting a prejudgment remedy in the amount of $1.7 million. The defendant, Tuccio Development, Inc., appeals from the court’s judgment granting the prejudgment remedy in favor of the plaintiffs, Brian Crotty and Peggy Crotty, upon a finding of probable cause that the defendant had breached a repurch... More...    $0 (03-16-2010 - CT)

Melvin C. Washington v. Daniel Ivancic, et al.

The plaintiff, Melvin C. Washington, appeals from the judgment of the trial court rendered upon the granting of the defendants’1 cross motion for summary judgment on the ground that the plaintiff’s complaint was barred by a statute of limitations. The court also denied the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment seeking judgment as to liability. We conclude that the statute of limitations do... More...    $0 (03-12-2009 - CT)

Cambodian Buddhist Society of Connecticut, Inc. v. Planning & Zoning Commission

This appeal by the named plaintiff, Cambodian Buddhist Society of Connecticut, Inc. (society), and the plaintiff Pong Me, the society's president, arises from the decision of the defendant planning and zoning commission of the town of Newtown (commission) denying the society's application for a special exception to build a Buddhist temple on its property located in the town of Newtown (town... More...    $0 (02-12-2008 - CT)

Applera Corporation v. Bio-Rad, MJ Research, and Stratagene Corp.

Applied Biosystems, an Applera Corporation business, and Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. reported that they entered into a settlement agreement resolving the patent infringement lawsuit originally filed by Applera and Roche Molecular Systems against MJ Research (acquired by Bio-Rad in 2004).

The settlement also resolves patent infringement claims brought by Applera against Bio-Rad and MJ Rese... More...    $1 (07-19-2006 - CT)

Zoltar Satellite Alarm Systems v. QUALCOMM Incorporated and SnapTrack Inc.

Zoltar claimed that QUALCOMM's and SnapTrack's position location technology infringed three patents issued to Zoltar relating to how to determine the location of the caller making an E-911 emergency telephone call using a cellular phone.

Defedants denied infringement.... More...    $0 (03-30-2004 - CT)

Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. v. Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, et al.

The plaintiff, Interface Flooring Systems, Inc., appeals1 from the summary judgment rendered by the trial court in favor of the defendants2 in this action, contending that they were obligated under certain insurance policies to reimburse the plaintiff for expenses it had incurred in defending against a federal lawsuit brought against it. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the trial court ... More...    $0 (09-03-2002 - CT)

William Monaco v. Turbomotive, Inc., et al.

The plaintiff, William Monaco, appeals from the judgment of the trial court in favor of the defendants, Turbomotive, Inc., and H.R. Solutions, Inc. (HRS), rendered after a hearing in damages following the entry of a default against the defendants for failure to comply with the court's order regarding discovery. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the court improperly concluded that his cla... More...    $0 (02-05-2002 - CT)

R.C. Bigelow, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

Bigelow, a Connecticut corporation, is a manufacturer and distributor of specialty teas. Celestial is a competitor of Bigelow's in the herbal tea market. Liberty Mutual, a Massachusetts company, provided liability insurance to Bigelow. The policy contained an "advertising injury" provision, discussed below, which is at issue in this litigation. Celestial's suit in Colorado. In June 1995, Celes... More...    $0 (04-19-2002 - CT)

International Nutrition v. Horphag Research, Ltd.

International Nutrition Company (“INC”) appeals the summary judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut holding that (1) Horphag Research Ltd. (“Horphag”) and numerous other defendants are not liable for infringement of United States Patent No. 4,698,360 (“’360 patent”) directed to a “[p]lant extract with a proanthocy... More...    $0 (07-16-2001 - CT)

Nora Beverages, Inc. v. The Perrier Group of America, Inc., et al.

Bottler of spring water brought action against competitors, alleging various claims including trade dress infringement and breach of contract. The United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, Ellen Bree Burns, Judge, granted summary judgment for competitors and bottler appealed. The Court of Appeals partially affirmed, partially reversed, partially vacated, and remanded. On remand... More...    $0 (08-23-2001 - CT)

Pitney Bowes, Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard Company

Patent Infringement - Printer Techology - Laser Printers - Pitney Bowes claimed that Hewelet-Packard's laser jet products infringed on a patent issued to Pitney in 1983 relating to the use of beams of light to make variable-sized dots that make the edges of printed characters smoother. Pitney Bowes sought $1 billion in damages.

Hewelett-Packard denied that its printers violated Pitney Bowes' ... More...    $400000000 (06-04-2001 - CT)

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