Connecticut Education Law

R.R. et al. v. Greenwich Board of Education

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyers represented the Plaintiffs who sued on an Education: Handicapped Child Act violation undeer 20 U.S.C. 1401.

Amendments to the Education of the Handicapped Act to improve educational services in local public schools for children with mental, physical, emotional, and learning handicaps require that free appropriate public educa... More...
   $0 (07-08-2024 - CT)

Pekah Wallace v. Cheryl Sharp, et al.

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendants on an employment discrimination theory.

Plaintiff Pekah Wallace (“plaintiff”) brings this action against defendants Cheryl Sharp (“Sharp”) and Tanya Hughes (“Hughes”) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “defendants”) pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1983, alleging that defendants deni... More...
   $0 (08-16-2023 - CT)

United States of America v. Career Training Specialists, L.L.C. d/b/a Stone Academy and Mark Scheinberg

New Haven, Connecticut civil litigation lawyer represented Defendant accused of violating the False Claims Act.

Career Training Specialists, LLC, doing business as Stone Academy, and its owner, Mark Scheinberg, agreed to paid more than $1 million to resolve allegations that they violated the federal False Claims Act by concealing a series of money order payments made by Scheinberg to prev... More...
   $0 (05-27-2022 - CT)

Shyanne Van Allen v. Career Training Specialists, LLC, d/b/a Stone Academy

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendant on an Americans with Disabilities Act violation theory pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1201, which provides, in part:

The Congress finds that—

(1) physical or mental disabilities in no way diminish a person's right to fully participate in all aspects of society, yet many people with physical or mental di... More...
   $0 (04-16-2022 - CT)

United States of America v. Career Training Specialists, LLC, d/b/a Stone Academy

New Haven, Connecticut qui tam lawyers represented the United United States, which sued Defendant on a False Claims Act Violation theory.

CAREER TRAINING SPECIALISTS, LLC, doing business as STONE ACADEMY, and its owner, MARK SCHEINBERG, paid more than $1 million to resolve allegations that they violated the federal False Claims Act by concealing a series of money order payments made by Sc... More...
   $0 (05-27-2022 - CT)

United States of America v. City of Meriden, Connecticut

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyers.

The Justice Department and the U.S. Attorneys Office for the District of Connecticut today announced an agreement with the City of Meriden, Connecticut to resolve allegations that the city violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA) by denying the application of the Omar Islamic Center to establish a mosq... More...
   $0 (11-06-2020 - CT)

United States of America v. Rezart Rakaj and Kliton Rakaj

New Haven, CT - New Haven Property Owners Who Illegally Removed Asbestos are Sentenced

REZART RAKAJ, 35, of Ansonia, and KLITON RAKAJ, 39, of Monroe, were sentenced in New Haven federal court for offenses related to the illegal and dangerous removal of asbestos at a New Have... More...
   $0 (04-01-2019 - CT)

Donna L. Soto v. Bushmaster Firearms International, LLC, et al.

On December 14, 2012, twenty year old
Adam Lanza forced his way into Sandy Hook Elemen-
tary School in Newtown and, during the course of 264
seconds, fatally shot twenty first grade children and six
staff members, and wounded two other staff members.
Lanza carried... More...
   $0 (03-15-2019 - CT)


Connecticut Supreme Court

The principal issue in this appeal is whether our decision in State v. Ray, 290 Conn. 602, 966 A.2d 148 (2009), which would require the defendant in the present case, Alrick A. Evans, to prove drug dependency as an affirmative defense to a charge under General Statutes (Rev. to 2011) 21a-278 (b),1 remains good law in light of (1) the subsequent decision of the United States Supreme Court in All... More...    $0 (08-16-2018 - CT)

Mr. P. and Mrs. P v. West Hartford Board of Education, et al.

District of Connecticut Federal Courthouse - New Haven, Connecticut

The plaintiffs‐appellants, Mr. and Mrs. P. (the parents), commenced this
action in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut
(Bryant, J.) on behalf of themselves and their son, M.P., against the
defendants‐appellees, the West Hartford Board of Education (the District or
the Board) and two District officials in their official capacities,2 all... More...
   $0 (04-02-2018 - CT)


The defendant, J.M.F., appeals from the judgment of conviction of attempt to commit murder in violation of General Statutes 53a-49 (a) (2) and 53a-54a (a), assault in the first degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-59 (a) (1), and risk of injury to a child in violation of General Statutes 53-21 (a) (1). On appeal, the defendant raises the following seven claims:(1)thetrialcourtabusedi... More...    $0 (01-03-2017 - CT)


The defendant, George Michael Leniart, appeals from the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, of murder in violation of General Statutes 53a-54a (a),1 and three counts of capital felony in violation of General Statutes (Rev. to 1995) 53a54b (5), (7) and (9), as amended by Public Acts 1995, No. 95-16, 4.2 The defendant claims that the evidence was insufficient to prove beyond a... More...    $0 (06-07-2016 - CT)


The defendant, William Castillo, appealsfromthejudgmentofconviction,renderedafter a jury trial, of attempt to commit robbery in the first degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-49 and 53a-134 (a) (3), and attempt to commit robbery in the second degree in violation of General Statutes 53a49 and 53a-135 (a) (1) (A). The defendant, who was nearly seventeen years old at the time of his arr... More...    $0 (05-18-2016 - CT)


In State v. Connor, 292 Conn. 483, 487, 533, 973 A.2d 627 (2009), this court remanded the criminalcaseofthedefendant,JeffreyT.Connor,tothe trial court with direction to reconsider the defendants competency to represent himself in light of a new standard that this court adopted in the defendants direct appeal. Following that remand, the trial court concludedthatthedefendanthadbeencompetenttorepr... More...    $0 (05-14-2016 - CT)


The defendant, Craig Hines, was convicted, following a jury trial, of two counts of murder in violation of General Statutes 53a-54a (a) and one count of carrying a pistol without a permit in violation ofGeneralStatutes 29-35(a).Onappeal,thedefendant claims that the court erred (1) in finding that he had been restored to competency to stand trial and (2) in removinghimfromthecourtroomduringjury... More...    $0 (04-22-2016 - CT)

Martin Franchises, Inc. v. Cooper U.S., Inc.

Thedefendant,CooperU.S.,Inc.,appeals following the trial courts rendering of summary judgment in favor of the plaintiff, Martin Franchises, Inc. On appeal, the defendant claims that the court erred in rendering summary judgment in favor of the plaintiff on the following two grounds: (1) the court improperly concluded that there was no genuine issue of material fact;and(2)thecourtheldthedefendantt... More...    $0 (04-04-2016 - CT)

United States v. Litvak

78ff(Counts111),onec... More...
   $0 (01-03-2016 - CT)

United States v. Litvak

globalsecuritiesbroker‐dealerandinvestmentbankingfirm. InJanuary2013,thegovernmentfiledanindictmentcharging7
Litvakwithelevencountsofsecuritiesfraud,see15U.S.C.78j(b),78ff(Counts1-11),onecountoffraudagainsttheUnitedSt... More...
   $0 (12-25-2015 - CT)

Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. v. Pasiak

In this declaratory judgment action, the plaintiffs, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company, appealfromthejudgmentof thetrialcourtdetermining that, pursuant to a personal umbrella insurance policy issued by theplaintiffs in favor ofthe defendant Jeffrey S. Pasiak,1 the plaintiffs had a duty to defend the defendantandtoindemnifyhimfordamagesawardedagainst ... More...    $0 (11-02-2015 - CT)

Tavani v. Riley

The plaintiff, Michael Tavani, appeals from the judgment of the trial court dismissing his action for adeclaratory judgment. On appeal,the plaintiff claims that the court improperly dismissed his action, sua sponte, on the ground that his case was not justiciable.1 We agree, and reverse the judgment of the trial court. The following facts and procedural history are relevant to the plaintiffs clai... More...    $0 (10-19-2015 - CT)

United States of America v. Hai T. Le

New Haven, CT - West Hartford Tax Preparer to Serve Time in Prison for Filing False Returns

HAI T. LE, 44, of West Hartford, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Alker Meyer in New Haven to 10 days of imprisonment and three years of supervised release for filing false tax returns. Judge Meyer also ordered LE to perform 240 hours of community service and pay full restitution... More...
   $0 (10-06-2015 - CT)

Campos v. Coleman

The named plaintiff, Gregoria Campos, in her individual capacity and in her capacity as administratrix of the estate of her late husband, Jose Mauricio Campos (decedent), and the Campos three children, Mauricio Campos, Jose Ernesto Campos and Jose Eduardo Campos(Campos children),brought this action against the defendants, Robert E. Coleman and LQ Management, LLC (LQ Management).2 The plaintiffs a... More...    $0 (09-28-2015 - CT)

Landmark Investment Group, LLC v. CALCO Construction & Development Co

The dispute in the present case has a long and circuitous history, which began more than one decade ago when the plaintiff, Landmark InvestmentGroup,LLC(Landmark),acommercialrealestate developer, entered into a contract to purchase an environmentally contaminated property in the town of Plainville (town) with the hopes of remediating and developingitforcommercialuse.Theselleroftheproperty, Chung F... More...    $0 (09-26-2015 - CT)

Orson D. Munn, III v. The Hotchiss School

Cara Munn and her parents brought suit against the Hotchkiss
School after Munn contracted tick‐borne encephalitis on a schoolorganized
trip to China. At trial, a jury found Hotchkiss negligent and
awarded the Munns $41.5 million in damages, $31.5 of which were noneconomic
damages. On appeal, the school argues that it did not have a
legal duty to warn about or protect agai... More...
   $0 (08-03-2015 - CT)

James Briggs v. Roderick Bremby

11 Plaintiff James Briggs brings this suit under 42 U.S.C. 1983 against the
12 Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) to enforce the
13 Food Stamp Acts time limits for awarding food stamp benefits. 7 U.S.C. 2020(e)(3) and
14 (9) provide that participating states shall give such benefits within 30 days of application to
15 eligible households, and... More...
   $0 (07-06-2015 - CT)

Jacob Doe v. Hartford Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation

A jury found that the defendant, the
Hartford Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation, acted
negligently and recklessly when it assigned Father Ivan
Ferguson, an alcoholic whose admitted acts of child
molestation were understood to be linked to his drinking,
to serve as the director of Saint Mary’s Elementary
School in Derby (Saint Mary’s School), where he sexually
abus... More...
   $0 (06-27-2015 - CT)

Carmen L. Lopez v. Board of Education of the City of Bridgeport, et al.

An action seeking a writ of quo warranto
provides a ‘‘limited and extraordinary remedy’’
that is the ‘‘exclusive’’ avenue under both the common
law and General Statutes § 52-4911 for judicial review of,
inter alia, a person’s qualifications to hold a particular
public office. (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Bateson
v. Weddle, 306 Conn. 1, 10–11, 48 ... More...
   $0 (11-26-2013 - CT)

Marianne Olson v. Fusaini Mohammadu

The question that we must resolve in
this appeal is whether a trial court may properly deny
a motion for modification of alimony and child support
solely on the basis that a party’s voluntary actions gave
rise to the alleged substantial change in circumstances
warranting modification. The defendant, Fusaini
Mohammadu, appealed to the Appellate Court from the
judgment ... More...
   $0 (12-10-2013 - CT)


The dispositive issue in this certified
appeal is whether the ten year maximum allowable
period of special parole1 established by General Statutes
§ 54-125e (c)2 operates as an aggregate limitation on
the total effective sentence of special parole when a
defendant is convicted of, and sentenced for, multiple
offenses. The state appeals, following our grant of its
petit... More...
   $0 (12-24-2013 - CT)

Fairchild Heights Residents Association, Inc. v. Fairchild Heights, Inc.

The plaintiff, Fairchild Heights Residents
Association, Inc. (association), appeals from the
judgment of the Appellate Court, which reversed the
judgment of the trial court and directed that court to
dismiss the association’s claims alleging negligence and
violations of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices
Act (CUTPA), General Statutes § 42-110a et seq., against
th... More...
   $0 (01-28-2014 - CT)

Joseph Fortin v. Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company

The plaintiffs, Joseph Fortin, Samuel Kofkoff, Robert Kofkoff and Kofkoff Egg Farm, LLC, in this civil action concerning insurance benefits appeal from the summary judgment rendered in favor of the defendant North River Insurance Company.1 The plaintiffs claim that the court improperly (1) granted the defendant’s motion to preclude testimony from one of the plaintiffs’ witnesses, (2) granted s... More...    $0 (01-10-2013 - CT)

Craig Urgin v. William Baker

In this consolidated appeal, the plaintiffs in the first action (SC 18643), Craig Ugrin and Samantha Ugrin, and the plaintiffs in the second action (SC 18644), William Baker and Lisa Baker, appeal from the judgment of the trial court in favor of the named defendant, the town of Cheshire (town).1 The plaintiffs filed virtually identical complaints against the town after a massive sinkhole developed... More...    $0 (10-30-2012 - CT)

Linda Coolick v. Abigail Hughes

This is an appeal from a denial of a renewed motion for summary judgment by the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut (Eginton, J.). Defendant-Appellant Abigail Hughes (“Hughes”), the Superintendent of the Connecticut Technical High School System, renewed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that she is entitled to qualified immunity in this § 1983 action in which Hug... More...    $0 (10-25-2012 - CT)

John Jarmie v. Frank Troncale

The principal issue in this appeal is whether a physician who fails to advise an unaware patient of the potential driving risks associated with her underlying medical condition breaches a duty to the victim of the patient’s unsafe driving because of the failure to advise. The plaintiff, John Jarmie, appeals from the judgment of the trial court in favor of the defendants, Frank Troncale, a physic... More...    $0 (09-24-2012 - CT)

Maria E. Mills v. The Solution, LLC

The plaintiff, Maria E. Mills, executrix of the estate of Clarence Israel Mills (decedent), appeals from the summary judgments rendered by the trial court in favor of the defendants the city of Bridgeport (city); Philip C. Handy, the director of the city’s department of parks and recreation; Anthony Armeno, the city’s acting chief of police at the time of the subject incident; 5 Star Amusement... More...    $0 (09-16-2012 - CT)

Mark C. Langley v. Oxana V. Langley

The plaintiff, Mark C. Langley, appeals from the judgment of the trial court rendered in connection with the underlying dissolution action in which the trial court entered several financial orders.1 The plaintiff claims that the trial court, in fashioning its financial orders, improperly (1) considered the entire length of the parties’ relationship, rather than the length of the marriage at issu... More...    $0 (08-21-2012 - CT)

Rajiv Sethi v. Bruhan Yagildere

The plaintiff, Rajiv Sethi, appeals from the summary judgment rendered by the trial court in favor of the defendant, Bruhan Yagildere. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the court improperly determined that he lacked standing to allege unjust enrichment and a violation of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practice Act (CUTPA).1 We conclude that, although the trial court correctly determined that the ... More...    $0 (07-17-2012 - CT)

Adriana Ruiz v. Victory Properties, LLC

The plaintiffs, Adriana Ruiz and Olga Rivera,1 appeal from the grant of summary judgment in favor of the defendant Victory Properties, LLC.2 On appeal, the plaintiffs claim that the trial court improperly concluded that, under the undisputed facts of the case, the defendant owed them no duty. We agree with the plaintiffs and, accordingly, reverse the judgment of the trial court.

The plainti... More...
   $0 (05-01-2012 - CT)

Gladys Kronovitter v. Richard Doyle

In this action for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff Gladys Kronovitter1 appeals from the judgment of the trial court, rendered after a trial by jury, in favor of the defendants, Richard Doyle and Kelly Fitch. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the court improperly (1) instructed the jury to consider the elements of certain statutory infractions in relation to the element of probable cause, (... More...    $0 (05-01-2012 - CT)

Patrick Wood v. Club, LLC

The defendant Club, LLC, appeals from the judgment of the trial court, following a jury trial, rendered in favor of the plaintiff, Patrick Wood.1 On appeal, the defendant claims that (1) the court improperly allowed the plaintiff’s expert to testify, (2) the court erred in refusing to instruct the jury on liability for actions of third parties, (3) the evidence was insufficient to establish that... More...    $0 (04-17-2012 - CT)

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