Phoenix, Arizona - Contract Expert Witnesses
Bloch, AIA, NCARB, Fred E - Phoenix, AZ
Architecture - Construction: Licensed general contractor & architect, providing design/build services for commercial/residential projects, w/over 40 years of diversified experience on major projects leading architectural firms. Fred Bloch, AIA, NCARB. The Bloch Companies provides forensic analysis of architectural and construction defects. Bloch has been involved in over 200 cases, provided affidavits and/or testified in more than 30 depositions & court cases. His expertise encompasses the discovery of architectural errors, construction defects, slip and falls, accident analysis and zoning cases. Our forensic services and structural inspections include complex Owner, Contractor, and Architect disputes, ADAAG evaluations and liabilities assessments. We provide in-depth analysis of applicable building codes, photographic documentation and reports. Bloch is an active licensed General Contractor and Architect providing design/build projects in the Arizona for over 40 years.

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