Abraham, Charles R. - Oakland, CA Accident Reconstruction, Safety, Accident Investigation of Woodworking Injuries In the Industrial, Educational and Home Environment. |
Barzegar, Ph.D., P.E., Fari - Oakland, CA Building Design & Construction (Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional); Seismic Resistant Design; Code Compliance; Construction Defects and Accidents; Repair & Retrofit Cost Estimates; Performance Evaluation of Bridges, Water Treatment and Sanitary Structures, Pavements, Retaining Walls, Underground Conduits and Pipelines; Diagnostic & Failure Investigations; Concrete and Repair Materials; Analysis of Damage due to Vibration, Blast, Impact, Wind and Earthquake; Finite Element Analysis of Structural/Mechanical Components; 21 years of experience in Consulting, Research and Teaching; 43 publications; Reviewer of Technical Articles for Prestigious Journals; Member: ASCE, SEAONC, ACI, EERI, AISC, ICC, FEWA. |