Riverside, California - Driving Expert Witnesses
Albee, Richard - Riverside, CA
DataChasers® is a full-service computer forensics company, "local" to most areas due to reduced driving-time rates. Data discovery is our only business. Our cases are about 50% plaintiff, and 50% defense, and our methodology is beyond reproach. All examiners are current or prior law enforcement officers, having widespread investigation skills and extensive litigation experience. We not only find the evidence, but also interpret it, evaluate its importance, and can articulate those facts to a jury. All equipment is state-of-the-art, insuring the fastest possible processing times. Your time is valuable; our Mission Statement attests to this. We maintain a state-of-the-art forensic computer laboratory, with the latest technology and newest components, for fast and complete results Examinations are tailored to the specific needs of the client, offering optional levels of examinations

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