San Luis Obispo, California - Forensics Expert Witnesses
Kaplan, Isaac R - San Luis Obispo, CA
Environmental forensics and geochemistry consulting, litigation support and expert witness testimony. Environmental/geochemical laboratory. Specialized in assigning responsibility for sources of petroleum and other environmental spills. We have develop

Jeffrey, Alan - San Luis Obispo, CA
Environmental forensics and geochemistry consulting, litigation support and expert witness testimony. Specialties: petroleum hydrocarbon analysis, gas geochemistry, biomarkers, PNA's, PCB's, oxygenates, fuel ID, mixing ratios, age dating, metal analysis by ICP/MS, inorganic and wet chemistry, stable isotope analysis, hydrology. Developed analyses allow us to: identify the types of product which have been released, distinguish between similar products from different sources, estimate the mixing ratios of different products, estimate the age of the product, assign probable responsibility for sources of the contamination, and give expert witness testimony.

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