Denver, Colorado - Electronic Expert Witnesses
Mitchell, Cherie - Denver, CO
With the growth of technology and entering into a complex digital age, protecting business is a challenge as unethical individuals looking for electronic loopholes in your organization. Electronic crimes occur more frequently than reported to law enforcement or to senior management. These crimes are costing companies millions of dollars each year due to fraud, embezzlement, misuse of proprietary information, identity theft, forms of harassment and discrimination, and other costly litigation law suits. Our experienced technical staff takes a contemporary approach to our clients needs. LuciData has designed overall solutions which address data recovery, electronic discovery, employee monitoring, and data forensic investigative needs. LuciData provides experts to support our client's incident-driven needs in data recovery or data forensics. We have risk reduction solutions to limit improper use of your corporate network; which starts with proactively monitoring and capturing inappropriate insider electronic activity on your network before the incident escalates. Our solution has no disruption to your normal daily business operations. LuciData's team also represents a blend of technology and legal expertise. A combination you need to meet the challenges of complex electronic discovery. Forensic Investigation including Expert Testimony and Data Forensic Investigation Services Electronic Discovery – Corporate Counsel, Litigation Attorneys, information Systems Managers and Human Resources Data Recovery Risk Management – Document Retention, Remote Monitoring, Drive Wiping, Preservation Policy, Retained Services Additional Services – Security Audits, Forensic Accounting, Private Investigation

Corrigan, Lisa K - Denver, CO
hospital pharmacy, retail pharmacy, drug interactions, consultant for ‘other outlet,’ large retail chains, clinic pharmacy, long term care, psychiatric care, pharmacy consulting, staffing, traveling pharmacist, director of pharmacy, chemotherapy dosing, electronic medical record, expired drugs, joint commission, rules regulations, online medication ordering, IV solutions, preparation incompatibilities, HIPPA, clinical errors, adverse reactions, rules regulations

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