MoreLaw Forensic Expert Directory Listing For
Richard Stripp
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

New York, NY 10000

TEL: 212-484-1362



Expertise: A renowned forensic toxicologist, Dr. Stripp has several decades of hands-on experience as a practicing toxicologist and he has been asked to opine on hundreds of high profile toxicology cases. Dr. Stripp’s formal education and training has primarily focused on the toxicological and pharmacological aspects of drug, chemical and alcohol exposure and his scholarly activities principally focuses on the development of novel methods for assessing potential toxicity. Dr. Stripp has authored numerous scientific publications; articles and books related to forensic and clinical toxicology, and he has been asked to appear on a variety of media outlets. Dr. Stripp has successfully mentored numerous graduate students interested in toxicology and they have excelled in their field. Dr. Stripp’s students have received appointments in highly respected toxicology departments or laboratories, continued their advanced training in toxicology or have enrolled medical school. Dr. Stripp welcomes students seeking scientific advisement in the area of forensic/clinical toxicology.

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