Statesboro, Georgia - Hospital Expert Witnesses
Wagner, Robert J - Statesboro, GA
Emergency Medicine to Neurosurgery The goal of Caduceus Legal Consultants is to assist the attorney/client in winning more cases and to wean out those which are not worth pursuing. In this way, CLC can help more patients and families obtain the settlements they deserve, while improving the bottom line for your firm. As a Board Certified M.D., I am uniquely qualified to educate and assist the attorney/client in all medical issues related to a particular case naturally bridging the gap between attorneys and physicians. Through experience and study, I have developed the ability to thoroughly evaluate patient care, integrating and interpreting the entire medical record. In this way, I am able to formulate a comprehensive medicolegal analysis of the case. This allows me to give a physicians medical opinion as to deviations and/or adherences to the applicable standards of care. CLC offers the following services: • Comprehensive chronological written medical reports and case summaries • Summarize, translate and interpret medical records • Organize, tab and paginate medical records • Conduct literature searches • Review hospital policies and procedures • Identify and locate expert witnesses • Serve as a liaison between attorneys and experts • Analyze expert witness reports • Assist in preparation of deposition and trial examination questions • Review, analyze and summarize depositions • Assist in exhibit preparation At CLC, we are prepared to provide expert medical support for all your medical malpractice, personal injury, product liability, toxic torts and workers compensation cases.

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