Overland Park, Kansas - Biofeedback Expert Witnesses
Noel, Ph.D., Kent - Overland Park, KS
Kent Noel, Ph.D. is Director of Assessment and Development for Carr & Associates. In this position, Dr. Noel manages a team that works with job candidate and incumbent leaders for corporate clients using personality, mental ability, problem solving and interest inventories. He coaches executives with regard to career transitions and professional development as well as those persons experiencing career indecision. Dr. Noel is responsible for staff assessment and development training, advising clients on assessment issues and practices, and conducting situational leadership and career transition workshops. Prior to joining Carr & Associates, Dr. Noel was Consultant and Coordinator of Biofeedback Services of Boone Hospital Center in Columbia, Missouri where he conducted individual feedback sessions, led feedback and behavioral change groups, trained other consultants and service providers, and marketed the program to other organizations. Dr. Noel serves on a number of associations including the American Counseling Association, the National Career Development Association, and the National Employment Counseling Association. Dr. Noel holds a B.A. degree in Psychology from Westminster College, a M.Ed. and Ed. S. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, Columbia and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Missouri, Columbia.

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