Monroe, Louisiana - Accident Expert Witnesses
Mehendale, H. M. - Monroe, LA
Toxicology; Chemical toxicology; Pesticides, solvents, other industrial chemicals; Cancer; Regulatory affairs; Occupational or accidental exposures and short- or long-term hazards; Hazardous wastes; Forensic Toxicological analysis of extraneous evidence; Body fluids and tissues, drugs, and intoxicants; Exposure to single or combinations of chemicals; Extensive experience in toxicological data interpretations; Board certified by American Board of Toxicology; Fellow, Academy of Toxicological Sciences; Published over 250 original research papers, review articles and book chapters.

Mendendale, H. M. - Monroe, LA
Toxicology; Chemical toxicology; Pesticides, solvents, other industrial chemicals; Cancer; Regulatory affairs; Occupational or accidental exposures and short- or long-term hazards; Hazardous wastes; Forensic Toxicological analysis of extraneous evidence; Body fluids and tissues, drugs, and intoxicants; Exposure to single or combinations of chemicals; Extensive experience in toxicological data interpretations; Board certified by American Board of Toxicology; Fellow, Academy of Toxicological Sciences; Published over 250 original research papers, review articles and book chapters.

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