Hagerstown, Maryland - Medical Malpractice Expert Witnesses
Whiteside, Connie - Hagerstown, MD
Nursing - MSN, RN, CRNA ,ALNC,FCEA, CPCO, Advanced Legal Nurse Consulting, Medical Records Review, Forensic, & Expert Witness Services Provided expert medical records review with opinion and analysis for several medical malpractice cases. I have worked with several attorneys in several states, providing medical reviews, affidavits, and depositions for medical malpractice cases . Practicing CRNA for 15 years Certified Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant (ALNC) Nursing Education/Retention and Success Specialist Several years as a Manager and Hospital Supervisor More than 30 years in the medical field Knowledge and experience with application of correct Medicare coding for reimbursement in both both Physician office and Hospital rules, to avoid fraud, Legal work, for Attorney Practice, insurance, quality assurance, etc Physician documentation auditing to assure correct medicare claims are processes. Specialties: Nurse Anesthesia, legal nurse consultant, nursing education, standards and policy development Certified Professional Compliance Officer ( CPCO) through AAPC Physician Practice Management, Certified Hospital and out-patient coding practices

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