Ann Arbor, Michigan -  Expert Witnesses
Perlman, Mark - Ann Arbor, mi
Obstetrics and Gynecology

Henry, Gregory L. - Ann Arbor, MI
Emergency Medicine - Defense

Stafford, Frank - Ann Arbor, MI

Henry, Gregory L. - Ann Arbor, MI
Emergency Medicine - Malpractice - Defense

Venes, Joan - Ann Arbor, MI
Plastic surgery - carnio-synostosis

Knol, James Allen - Ann Arbor, MI
General Surgery - malpractice - plaintiff

Seyhun, H. Nejat - Ann Arbor, MI
Insider trading

Davis, M.D., Jordan K. - Santa Fe, NM
All aspects of complex spine and brain care, pain management, IMEs and Spinal Cord Injuries. Board certfied, defense and plaintiff, articulate.

Brummel, Dr. H. Bruce - Matteson, IL
CONSTRUCTION - Quality Control

Miller, James M - Ann Arbor, MI
Warnings, Fires & Explosions, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip & Fall, Auto & Vehicular Accidents, Agriculture, Boats, machine safety.

Jeffers, Donald B.H. - Ann Arbor, MI
Expert in all aspects of automotive systems and components, accident reconstruction, product liability, forensics. Brakes, steering, engine, transmission, clutch. Tractor trailer truck, automobile, RV, industrial equipment, farm equipment, ATV. Experienced expert witness in accident reconstruction and product liability cases. Located Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Thanedar, Shri - Ann Arbor, MI

Jeffers, Donald B.H. - Ann Arbor, MI
ENGINEERING - Automotive

Dacre, Robert J. - Ann Arbor, MI
Expert witness - major construction contract litigation: Delay and disruption claims a specialty - identifying and proving lost productivity costs; expert in forensic CPM schedule analysis; prepration of As-Planned v. As-Built CPM analysis.

Ponce de Leon, P.E., Gui - Ann Arbor, MI
PMA is a national project management consulting firm founding 1971.

Standen, James - Ann Arbor, MI
Professional engineer with 32 years experience in geotechnical, foundations, foundation movement, underpinning, soils, concrete, masonry, structural steel, asphalt pavement and building inspection.

Tobin, Kenneth Joseph - Ann Arbor, MI
Adult Cardiovascular Disease

Gillespie, Tom - Ann Arbor, MI
Transportation Engineering Research. Tires - tire bead failure in the event of mismatch between the tire and rim.

Nelson, M.D., Virginia S. - Ann Arbor, MI
Physical medicine and rehabilitation

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