Dallas, Texas - Security Expert Witnesses
James, Linda - Dallas, TX

Forensic Document Examiner, Handwriting Identification, Forgery, Document and Handwriting Analysis, Forged Wills, Holographic Wills, Disputed Signatures, Disputed Documents, False Documents, Anonymous Notes, Threatening Notes, Forged Signatures, Transferred Signatures, Traced Signatures

Linda James is a Board Certified Forensic Document Examiner, certified by the National Association of Document Examiners (NADE). Additionally, Linda holds certificates from the National Questioned Document Association, the American Institute of Applied Science I.A.S. Forensic Science Program in Forensic Science which includes, but not limited to, Questioned Document and Police Photography, and the College Notre-Dame-de-Foy, Canada in Introduction to Document Examination Equipment. In 2006 Linda met the requirements for recertification with NADE. Linda is court-qualified and has testified in court and by deposition in numerous cases involving questioned signatures on anonymous notes, forged signatures and contracts, disputed wills, altered typewritten documents, and many other questioned document cases. In her capacity as a forensic document examiner, Linda has testified in Probate, Bankruptcy, State, Federal, Singapore and Alaska courts and for the State Bar of Texas. She has also been qualified and met the guidelines under the Daubert/Dupont hearings. Her opinions have been judicially admitted. She completed the Police Academy Basic Instructor Course through the North Central Texas Council of Governments. She holds a license from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education and is an instructor for continuing education credits for Texas law enforcement agencies and Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies in question document examination. Linda has been published in the Journal for the National Association of Document Examiners. Ms. James presently is serving as the NADE Certification Chairperson and served as President of the National Association of Document Examiners (NADE) from 2009 to 2011. She previously served as 1st Vice President from 2005 to 2009. She served as NADE Bylaws chairperson from 2000 to 2005 and for over nine years has been a part of the certification committee. From 2001 to 2002, Linda served on the Board of the Dallas Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners as Secretary and in 1998 to 1999 as Associate Director. Linda's clients include several Fortune 500 Companies, State, National, and International Attorneys, District Attorney office, United States Army Trial Defense Service, U. S. Department of Justice/FBI, Federal Public Defenders Office, Individuals, Private Corporations, Major Airlines, Insurance Companies, Hospitals, Telephone Companies, and State Counsel for Offenders - A Division of Texas Department of Criminal Justice. She has rendered opinions and testified for the plaintiff as well as the defense in both criminal and civil matters in other states and internationally. She has also testified in Singapore and Alaska. Linda has owned and operated her own business since 1994. Her professional affiliations are with the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the National Association of Document Examiners, the Fraud Investigator’s Association of Texas, the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts, the Association of Forensic Document Examiners, the ASTM International (for the development of Forensic Science Standards), and the Texas Division-Intl. Association for Identification, Texas Division.

Lewis, Dan G. - Dallas, TX
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