Fort Worth, Texas -  Expert Witnesses
Seymour, Tom - Fort Worth, TX
Building Construction Disputes and Job Site Accidents

Krouse, Marc A. - Fort Worth, TX
Anatomic and Forensic Pathology Consultants is a medical group providing expert opinion in civil and criminal litigations.

Seymour, Tony - Fort Worth, TX
Building Construction Disputes and Job-Site Accidents

Burns, Ray - Fort Worth, TX
Hydraulic hoses - plaintiff

Chester, Thomas J. - Fort Worth, TX
Toxic Torts, occupational medicine, toxicology, epidemiology, environmental exposures.

Davis, M.D., Jordan K. - Santa Fe, NM
All aspects of complex spine and brain care, pain management, IMEs and Spinal Cord Injuries. Board certfied, defense and plaintiff, articulate.

Varnas, Lorie - Houston, TX
Accident Reconstruction, Computer Forensics, E-Discovery Evaluations, Biomechical, Biomedical Analysis, Fires, Explosions, Property Damage Evaluations, Premises Liability Analysis, Medical Device Failures, Construction Dispute Resolution, Construction Accident Analysis, Environmental Analysis, Business Interruption Evaluation, Lost Profits, Financial Damage Evaluation, Business Appraisals and Valuations, Oil & Gas Disputes, Accident Analysis, Industrial Loss Evaluations, Animations, Videos, Graphic Services

Brummel, Dr. H. Bruce - Matteson, IL
CONSTRUCTION - Quality Control

Dalton, Keith - Fort Worth, TX
Asbestos, mold investigation and remediation.

Korenman, M.D., Michael D. - Fort Worth, TX
Defense Expert - General Surgeon

Wright, Leola - Edmond, OK
Over 25 years of nursing experience, combined with the legal expertise of the attorney. A combination that is priceless! The Owner and Operator of Wright Legal Nursing is Leola Wright, R.N, BSN, CLNC. She has a passion for the elderly. Her years in home health and the hospital setting provided an opportunity to serve. Her passion is to utilize her experience and knowledge, and continue to serve in an effort to assist with the many facets of the medical record.

Ernest, Richard N. - Fort Worth, TX
Case Review and Re-examination of Evidence Firearms Testing and Evaluation Firearm Bullet and Cartridge Case Comparisons Ammunition Evaluation and Testing Cartridge Case Ejection Pattern Tests Tool Mark Examinations and Comparisons Shooting Scene Reconstruction Shooting Accident Reconstruction Shooting Scene Re-enactments Gunshot Residue Analysis (GSR) and GSR Consultation Distance Determinations from Gunshot Wounds & Clothing Gun Safety and Design Issues Serial Number Restorations Crime Scene Examinations and Consultations Fingerprint and Questioned Documents Other Criminalistics Services

Daniel, Burl - Fort Worth, TX
Insurance Expert Witness Expertise

Ernest, Richard N. - Fort Worth, TX
Ballistics; Shooting Scene Reconstructions; Accidental Shootings; Firearms Examination; Microscopic Examination of Bullets, Cartridge Cases & Shotshells; Toolmark Examination; Trigger Pull Analysis; Ejection Pattern Testing; Gunshot Residues Consulting & Distance Determinations; Crime Scene Reconstructions; General Criminalistics Examinations including hair, fibers, tire tracks, shoe prints, lamp filament examinations; Forensic Casework Review. Extensive courtroom testimony experience. Testified over 1,000 times in several states & in Federal courts. Distinguished Member of Association of Firearms & Toolmarks Examiners, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Charter Member of Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction, International Wound Ballistics Association. BS- Univ. of GA, AFTE, AAFS, SAFS, SWAFS, ACSR & IWBA.

Bates, Johnny - Fort Worth, TX
Accident investigation: Was driver DOT-qualified, driving negligently, equipment failure, negligent repair and maintenance of trucks, trailers or buses.

Greenstone, James L. - Fort Worth, TX
Litigation assistance, case development, depositions, expert testimony, research and case review. Police psychologist and Director of Psychological Services.

Greenston, James L - Fort Worth, TX
Police Psychology, Consultation, Litigation Assistance, Case Development, Deposition, Expert Testimony, Research and Case Review, Medication Advocacy

Brosseau, Jr., Charles M. - Fort Worth, TX
Healthcare Administration, Hospital Management, Medical Liability

Browning, M.D., James M. - Fort Worth, TX
Occupational Medicine - Emergency medicine, family practice with special expertise in DWI (SFST); motorcycle injuries, DUI

Pluenneke, Ph.D., Ricks H. - Fort Worth, TX
Primary Area of Expertise: Agriculture and Chemistry

Areas of specialty include Agriculture, Agronomy, Arbitration, Arboriculture/Forestry, Chemicals, Environmental Sciences, Fertilizers, Food Science, Horticulture, Landscape, Pest Control, Pesticides, Plant Sciences, Product Investment Evaluation, Soils, Turf, Water Quality, Wildlife.

Dr. Pluenneke is a Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) and Certified Professional Crop Scientist (CPCS) with over 20 years post-doctoral experience from coast-to coast and in Mexico. Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists and the American Society of Agronomy. Former Head of the Farm & Ranch Division of the Trust Department of a large Texas bank and worked with over 500,000 acres in Texas and Louisiana, Associate Professor of Agronomy and Biochemistry at Mississiopi State University. Dr. Pluenneke chaired the national board that certifies Agronomists, Soil Scientists, Crop Scientists, Horticulturists, Plant Pathologists and Weed Scientists. He has extensive experience in investigation, expert witness work, aerial IR photogrphy and other techniques.

Stuart, Andre - Fort Worth, TX
21st has pioneered the field of Forensic Animations since 1989. We work on a very wide range of cases around the world. Call for a free demo DVD

Kirkpatrick, P.E. , Earl L. - Fort Worth, TX
Cathodic Interference and Protection, Chemical Analysis, Coatings Evaluation.....

Daniel, Burl - Fort Worth, TX
Property and Casualty Insurance Litigation Support

Harvey, Ben - Fort Worth, tx
Airports. Airport safety. FAA compliance. Accident investigation. Longtime FAA employee. Pilot. Attorney.

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