San Antonio, Texas - Recreation Expert Witnesses
Wideman, Dean A. - San Antonio, TX
Forensic Scientist, Investigative Consultant, and Criminal Profiler. Court-qualified expert in the areas of forensic serology, forensic DNA analysis, crime scene investigation, bloodstain pattern analysis, and crime reconstruction. Forensic and investigative services include: REVIEW and INTERPRETATION OF FORENSIC LABORATORY DATA, RESULTS, REPORTS, AND CONCLUSIONS // EXPERT WITNESS TESTIMONY // TRIAL PREPARATION - cross-examination questions and strategies for forensic experts, instructional seminars on the basics of crime scene investigation, proper evidence collection, serological testing, DNA analysis, criminalistics, bloodstain pattern analysis, criminal profiling, etc. // CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION - documentation, processing, and scene re-examination for biological evidence such as body fluids and hair // CRIME SCENE RECONSTRUCTION - crime event and scenario recreation based on forensic and behavioral evidence // BLOODSTAIN PATTERN ANALYSIS - interpretation of bloodstain patterns at crime scenes and/or on items of evidence from close-up photographs and/or video recordings //CRIMINAL PROFILING - proposed offender profile and personal characteristics based on evaluation of crime scene reports/photographs, police/investigative reports, victimology, physical evidence, crime laboratory reports, and/or autopsy reports.

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