Maryland Estoppel Law

Anthony Fludd v. Donielle Kirkwood

Annapolis, MD - Divorce lawyer represented plaintiff with appealing a child support claim.

Mr. Fludd and Ms. Kirkwood are the natural parents of two minor children. In
January 2012, Ms. Kirkwood filed a bill of complaint for custody of the parties’ then-only
child in the Circuit Court... More...    $0 (05-13-2022 - MD)

Anthony Fludd v. Donielle Kirkwood

Annapolis, MD - Divorce lawyer represented appelant with a motion to modify.

For nearly a decade, the parents of the two children at the center of this case have
been fighting over custody and child support, flooding the docket in the Circuit Court for
Montgomery County with over 500 entrie... More...
   $0 (03-16-2022 - MD)

Case De Maryland, et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, et al.

In 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security established the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) policy. Under this policy, certain noncitizens who came to the United States as children could receive deferred action—a decision forbearing their remova... More...
   $0 (05-17-2019 - MD)

Quality Inns International, Inc. v. McDonald's Corporation

MEYER, District Judge.

On September 21, 1987, Quality Inns International, Inc. announced a new chain of economy hotels to be marketed under the name "McSleep Inn." The response of McDonald's Corporation was immediate. It demanded by letter sent three days later that Quality International not use the name "McSleep" because it infringed on McDonald's family of marks that are characterized b... More...
   $0 (09-16-1988 - MD)


The parties to this case (or their predecessors) developed the Mall in the early 1970s.
The Mall is not a singular property, but rather a confederation of separately owned tracts
that are integrated and governed according to a Construction, Operation and Reciprocal
Easement Agreement (“COREA”). The COREA has been modified three times, and the
operative version, the aptly named... More...
   $0 (11-22-2015 - MD)

Kreyhsig v. Montes

Son was born on January 6, 2009, and Mother (who has never been married to
Father) named him “Kaio Henrique Stockmann Kreyhsig.” Father does not dispute
paternity, but the parties do dispute the extent to which Mother has included Father in Son’s
upbringing. Mother alleges that Father “took no part” in Son’s life for a year after he was
born. Father claims that Mother did not t... More...
   $0 (11-11-2015 - MD)

State of Maryland v. Philip Morris, Inc.

In 1998, Maryland and the 51 other Settling States entered the MSA, thus settling
their claims for “wrongful marketing and advertising of cigarettes, as well as damages
based upon the costs of treating smoking-related illnesses,” against three major cigarette
manufacturers – Philip Morris USA, Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., and Lorillard
apprproval of the side agreement, and ... More...
   $0 (10-25-2015 - MD)

Helen C. Griggs v. Luke Evans

Helen C. Griggs and her late husband, Victor G. Griggs, refinanced the mortgage on their home with Beneficial Mortgage Company of Maryland. One of the mortgage instruments the Griggses executed, when they met with representatives of Beneficial Mortgage to obtain the refinancing, contained an arbitration rider, providing that disputes “arising from or relating” to their agreement with Beneficia... More...    $0 (05-02-2012 - MD)

Joy Friolo v. Douglas Frankel, M.D.

On February 4, 2000, appellant, Joy Friolo, filed a complaint in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County against appellees, Douglas Frankel and the Maryland/Virginia Med Trauma Group. On July 3, 2001, the court entered judgment in favor of Friolo in the amount of $11,778.85 and awarded her attorney’s fees of $4,711.00 and $1,552.00 in costs. The Court of Appeals vacated the judgment awarding att... More...    $0 (09-07-2011 - MD)

Hovnanian Land Investment Group, LLC v. Annapolis Towne Centre at Parole, LLC

In this case, we must revisit contracts with “non-waiver” clauses and determine whether and how a party to such a contract can waive its requirements and conditions. Respondent, the owner of a large, mixed-use development near Annapolis, Maryland, agreed to sell a portion of the property to Petitioner, a developer, for the construction of a residential tower. The contract required certain cond... More...    $0 (07-20-2011 - MD)

Columbia Association, Inc. v. Joseph L. Poteet

On August 14, 1969, appellees, Joseph Poteet and Shirley Clarke-Poteet (the “Poteets”), acquired title to real property that, pursuant to a declaration executed by the Poteets’ predecessor in title, was subject to certain covenants, easements, charges, and liens. Article II of the declaration provided for a charge to be levied in each year against the property subject to the declaration, whi... More...    $0 (07-01-2011 - MD)

Tri-County Unlimited, Inc. v. Kids First Swim School, Inc., et al.

Appellant, Tri-County Unlimited, Inc. (“Tri-County”), brought suit in the Circuit Court for Howard County against appellees, Kids First Swim School, Inc. and Gary Roth (collectively, “appellees”), alleging that it was owed for labor and materials expended in fulfilling its contractual obligations to build a swimming pool. Appellees filed an answer and a counterclaim.

On January 20, ... More...
   $0 (03-31-2010 - MD)

Michael A. Freedman v. Comcast Corporation, et al.

Appellant, Michael A. Freedman, claimed that appellee, the group of corporate entities known and commonly referred to as “Comcast,” violated the 1997 Maryland Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, Md. Code (1974, 2006 Repl. Vol.), § 10- 402 et seq. of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article (“CJ”). Appellant filed suit in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City and the parties fil... More...    $0 (01-29-2010 - MD)

Mayor and City Council of Baltimore v. Zvi Guttman

Appellants/cross-appellees Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (collectively “the City”), challenge the entry of judgment by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City after a jury verdict in favor of appellee/cross-appellant Zvi Guttman, trustee in bankruptcy for Ms. Deborah Mullins (“Ms. Mullins”), who brought a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 claim against the City alleging that she was fired for engaging ... More...    $0 (01-04-2010 - MD)

David R. Stone v. Instrumentation Laboratory Company

In this appeal, we address the interpretation of a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. § 1514A, governing the filing of whistleblower lawsuits in federal district court. The parties acknowledge that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act expressly provides a United States District Court jurisdiction to entertain a whistleblower action. However, they disagree as to whether a whistleblower plain... More...    $0 (01-03-2010 - MD)

Gloria A. Rice, et al. v. University of Maryland Medical System Corporation

In Walzer v. Osborne, 395 Md. 563, 585 (2006), the Court of Appeals held: “Because [the claimant had] failed to attach the expert report to the certificate of qualified expert in a timely manner, the trial court was required to dismiss [the] medical malpractice claim.” When the Walzer decision was announced, the appellants in the present appeal were in the midst of pursuing claims based upon a... More...    $0 (07-06-2009 - MD)

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Diamond Point Plaza Limited Partnership, et al.

The litigation giving rise to this appeal has its genesis in November 2002, when Diamond Point Plaza Limited Partnership, owner of a shopping center in Baltimore County, defaulted on a mortgage loan that was secured by the shopping center property. Appellant Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (“Wells Fargo”), as trustee for the assignees of the mortgage, brought an action in the Circuit Court for Baltimor... More...    $0 (05-08-2009 - MD)

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, et al. v. Regency Furniture, Inc.

Largo Town Center, LLC. For clarity, we shall refer to those companies as DDRM. Regency Furniture, Inc. (“Regency”), an appellee and cross-appellant, is a furniture store that leased premises from a landlord now known as DDRM Largo Town Center, LLC (“DDRM”), an appellee and cross-appellant.1 During the relevant time, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (“Nationwide”), the appellant and... More...    $0 (01-09-2009 - MD)

Joseph M. Della Ratta, et al. v. Edward J. Dyas, Jr.

The litigation underlying this appeal arose out of the dispute between the two equal owners of two hotels and a condominium in Ocean City, Maryland. The appellee, Edward J. Dyas, Jr. (Dyas), was the plaintiff below. One of the appellants, Joseph M. Della Ratta (Della Ratta), was a defendant below. We shall refer to Della Ratta and Dyas collectively as "the Developers."

The earliest of their... More...
   $0 (12-03-2008 - MD)

Case Handyman and Remodeling Services, LLC, et al.

Appellants, Case Handyman and Remodeling Services, LLC, and Case Design/Remodeling, Inc. (collectively, “Case Handyman”), appeal from an order of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County denying their motion to compel arbitration w ith appellees, Judith and Albert Sc huele (“the Schueles” ). On appeal, Case Handyman presents the following two issues for our review, which we have reworded and... More...    $0 (10-31-2008 - MD)

Brian Campbell v. Lake Hallowell Homeowners Association, et al.

The principal parties to this dispute are a homeowners' association and a homeowner. Their quarrel, which began over a basketball hoop and a parking space, has resulted in at least four separate actions, with an intimation of more to come. At a loss as to why so little has generated so much conflict, we can only surmise that we are in the middle of what may be the litigatory equivalent ... More...    $0 (07-07-2004 - MD)

In Re: Microsoft Corporation Antitrust Litigation (Kloth, et al. v. Microsoft Corp.; Netscape Communications Corp. v. Microsoft Corp.; Sun Microsystems, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp.;, Inc. v. Mircrosoft Corp.)(MDL No. 1322)

In 1998, the United States and several of the States filed a civil action against Microsoft Corporation in the District of Columbia for violations of the Sherman Act. The district court in that action found that Microsoft (1) illegally maintained a monopoly in the market of "licensing of all Intel-compatible PC operating systems worldwide," (2) attempted to monopolize a "putative browser m... More...    $0 (01-18-2004 - MD)

Monica D. Packer v. Alphonso Hayes, et al.

Monica Packer appeals the magistrate judge's orders granting Defendants' motion for partial summary judgment and motion for judgment as a matter of law on her claims brought under the Maryland constitution and 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (2000).* Packer alleged that Officer Alphonso Hayes of the Prince George's County Police Department used excessive force in the course of arresting her, in violation... More...    $0 (10-29-2003 - MD)

American Cyanamid Company v. St. Louis University

St. Louis University ("SLU") paid a $16 million Missouri statecourt judgment to the family of a boy who became paralyzed after receiving Orimune, an oral polio vaccine, and SLU now seeks contribution from American Cyanamid Company, the parent company of the vaccine manufacturer. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of Cyanamid, and SLU appeals. We affirm.


Much of th... More...    $0 (07-16-2003 - MD)

Mona Electrical Services, Inc., et al. v. Wade O. Shelton

Section 9-736(b)(3) of the Workers' Compensation Act ("Act")provides that the Workers' Compensation Commission "may not modify an award unless the modification is applied for within five years after the last compensation payment." Md. Code Ann. (1991, 1999 Repl. Vol.), § 9-736 of the Lab. & Empl. Article1. The question presented by this appeal is whether the five-year limitations period of that... More...    $0 (11-07-2002 - MD)

Kovover Property Trust, Inc. v. WHE Associates, Inc.

Appellee WHE Associates, Inc. (WHE) filed suit against appellant Konover Property Trust, Inc. (Konover), claiming that it was entitled to a finder's fee of an amount between $2,000,000.00 and $4,000,000.00 for introducing Konover to Lazard Freres Real Estate Investors, LLC (Lazard), an investment firm, that ultimately invested $200,000,000.00 in Konover. At trial, the theories of recovery as... More...    $0 (02-01-2002 - MD)

The Fischer Organization, Inc. v. Landry's Seafood Restaurants

Appellant, The Fischer Organization, Inc., filed suit against appellee, Landry’s Seafood Restaurants, Inc., in the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County. The four-count complaint, alleging breach of contract, quantum meruit, promissory estoppel, and fraud in the inducement, was filed on August 12, 1999. Appellee filed its answer on October 22, 1999. From January 10-11, 2001, a ... More...    $0 (03-01-2002 - MD)

United Book Press, Inc. v. Maryland Composition Company, Inc.

United Book Press, Inc., appellant, brought suit in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County against Maryland Composition Co., Inc., appellee, alleging breach of contract and seeking indemnity. Appellant appeals from a judgment entered in favor of appellee after the circuit court, at trial, granted appellee’s motion for judgment at the close of appellant’s case. In addition to gene... More...    $0 (12-03-2001 - MD)

Edell & Associates, P.C. v. Law Offices of Angelos

This diversity jurisdiction action involves an attorneys' fee-sharing dispute between attorney Marc Edell (Edell) and his law firm, Edell & Associates, P.C., on the one hand, and the Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos (the Angelos Firm), on the other hand. The Attorney General of Maryland (the Maryland AG), Edell, his law firm, and the Angelos Firm jointly represented the State of Maryland (Mary... More...    $0 (08-24-2001 - MD)

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