Montana Homeowners Association Law

Michael Rowe v. United States of America

Missoula, Montana personal injury car wreck lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued the Defendant on a Federal Tort Claims Act auto negligence theory claiming to have suffered damages and/or injuries caused by a federal government employee.

the FTCA is a federal law that allows individuals to sue the United States government for certain kinds of negligence committed by its employees act... More...
   $1 (10-03-2023 - MT)

State of Montana v. Lloyd James Noble

Appellant was charged by information with committing first degree murder and first degree assault.

"In the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Yellowstone, on the 19th day of February A.D. 1962, comes William J. Speare, County Attorney of said county, and here in said District Court, upon his official oath and i... More...
   $0 (08-02-1963 - MT)

United States of America v. Nicholas John Montano

Billings, Montana criminal defense lawyer represented Defendant charged with drug trafficking.

Nicholas John Montano, 35, was charged with conspiracy to possess meth with intent to distribute and possession with intent to distribute as charged in an indictment.

The government alleged that in the spring and summer of 2018, Montano received meth from Joshua Clause, who headed a lar... More...
   $0 (05-06-2021 - MT)

Wendi Artz v. Julianne Berenyi, Rock Creek Cattle Company, LTD, Rock Creek Cattle Company Homeowners Association, Inc.

Helena, Montana premises liability personal injury lawyer represented Plaintiff, Wendi Artz, who sued Julianne Berenyi, Rock Creek Cattle Company, LTD, Rock Creek Cattle Company Homeowners Association, Inc. on personal injury neglgigence theories claiming to have suffered more than $75,000 in injuries and damages as a result of an accident on Defendants' property.... More...    $1 (01-18-2021 - MT)


¶4 On September 12, 2018, a jury convicted Scott of two counts of distributing
dangerous drugs in September 2017. The State sought to designate Scott as a PFO based
on two prior felony... More...
   $0 (07-31-2020 - MT)


Joshua Donald Burley (“Burley”) appeals from his convictions of incest and
solicitation of incest in the Thirteenth Judicial District Court, Yellowstone County.
Burley argues the District Court erred ... More...
   $0 (06-14-2020 - MT)


On October 14, 2014, the State charged Newbary with Aggravated Assault, a felony,
in violation of § 45-5-202, MCA, and Sexual Intercourse Without Consent, a felony, in
violation of § 45-5-503, MCA. Th... More...
   $0 (06-14-2020 - MT)

IN THE MATTER OF: B.H. and G.H. Youths in Need of Care

Need help finding a lawyer for representation for the termination of parental rights in Montana.

Call 918-582-6422. It's Free.

On January 4, 2017,the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, Child
and Family Services Division (Department), filed a petition for each child, titled Petition
... More...
   $0 (01-17-2020 - MT)

Brad Tschida v. Jonathan Motl and Jeff Mangan

The panel reversed the district court’s summary judgment
in favor of defendant Montana state officials and affirmed the
district court’s summary judgment granting qualified
immunity to Montana’s former Commissioner of Political
Practices in an action b... More...
   $0 (05-29-2019 - MT)


On June 12, 2015, Mehan raped an unconscious woman in the parking ... More...
   $0 (05-10-2019 - MT)

The Depot, Inc. v. Caring for Montanians, Inc. d/k/a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Monatna

Plaintiffs are three small employers in Montana who are
members of the Montana Chamber of Commerce.
Defendants are health insurance companies that marketed
fully insured health insurance plans to the Chamber’s
members branded “Chamber Choices.” From 2006 until... More...
   $0 (02-07-2019 - MT)


Walker married A.W.’s mother, Kim, when A.W. was an infant. A.W. later
disclosed that, when she lived with Walker, he subjected her to a series of sexual assaults,
beginning when she was seven or eight years old and ending when she was tw... More...
   $0 (01-04-2019 - MT)


In October 2014, Coleman entered a plea agreement in which he pleaded guilty to
a single count of Sexual Intercourse Without Consent. A few months later, the District
Court sentenced Coleman, committing him to the Montana State Prison for thirty years
with ten years suspended. The c... More...
   $0 (12-05-2018 - MT)


Shortly before 10p.m. on January21, 2016, Greg Fryberger, an employee of
MDOT, finished clearing snow berms with a front-end loader on an intersection of U.S.
Highway 93.1 He was working about ten miles north of the MDOT shop where the
loader normally was kept. After finishing his work, Fryberger began driving back to the
MDOT shop to return the loader. It was five hours af... More...
   $0 (08-30-2018 - MT)


The Montana Mining Association (MMA) challenges the Attorney General’s
determination that Initiative 186 (I-186) is legally sufficient in an original proceeding
before this Court. This Court has “original jurisdiction to review ...the attorney general’s
legal sufficiency determination in an action brought pursuant to 13-27-316.” Section
3-2-202(3)(a), MCA. We conclude this ... More...
   $0 (06-22-2018 - MT)


During routine patrol near Stevensville, Montana, in December 2014, Deputy
Jason Jones of the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office stopped a pickup that had an expired
registration. Flowers was driving the vehicle and Hill sat in the front passenger seat.
Deputy Jones asked for Flowers’s driver’s license and other documentation. After
checking for active warrants for both Flowers... More...
   $0 (04-28-2018 - MT)

Mark French v. Blair Jones

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Courthouse - San Francisco, California

Montanans select their judges through nonpartisan
popular elections. In an effort to keep those elections
nonpartisan, Montana has restricted judicial-campaign
speech. One of those restrictions is before us—a rule that
prohibits candidates from seeking, accepting, or using
political endorsements in their campaigns. Mark French, a
judicial candidate who wishes to seek and us... More...
   $0 (12-09-2017 - MT)


On January 7, 2012, Gary Arnold returned home after a morning walk and noticed
his wife, Sherry Arnold (Arnold) was not there.1 As she was an avid walker and jogger,
Gary assumed Arnold had gone out for a jog. Gary became concerned when Arnold did
not return home and went out to look for her. When Gary could not find Arnold, he
contacted family and local law enforcement. A ... More...
   $0 (11-03-2017 - MT)


In August 2013, the State filed an information in the District Court charging
Talksabout with one count of sexual intercourse without consent. The State filed
the information directly in the District Court pursuant to § 41-5-206(2), MCA, because
of the nature of the charge and because Talksabout was seventeen when the offense
occurred. The charge arose out of Talksabout’s non-c... More...
   $0 (04-16-2017 - MT)

United States of America, (Bureau of Land Management) v. Barthelmess Ranch Corporation; Double O Ranch, Inc.; Lela M. French; William R. French; Conni D. French; Craig R. French; M Cross Cattle Company

In Montana’s ongoing water rights claims adjudication proceedings, the BLM
filed six water right claims related to five reservoirs and one natural pothole. The five
reservoir claims are based in Montana law while the Pothole Lake claim is based upon a
federal reservation of lands. The water sources are located wholly or partially on federal
land, and the BLM claims the right ... More...
   $0 (01-18-2017 - MT)


Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(c), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating
Rules, this case is decided by memorandum opinion and shall not be cited and does not
serve as precedent. Its case title, cause number, and disposition shall be included in this
Court’s quarterly list of noncitable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana
¶2 Tony Edward Jorge... More...
   $0 (07-16-2016 - MT)

Montana Cannabis et al. v. State Of Montana

This is the State’s second appeal from the First Judicial District Court’s
injunctions preventing implementation of certain provisions of the Act. Montana
Cannabis Industry Association v. State, 2012 MT 201, 366 Mont. 224, 286 P.3d 1161
(hereafter MCIA I). The Act repealed the 2004 Medical Marijuana Act (2004 Act)—
which was established by voter initiative (I-148)—and replaced... More...
   $0 (03-21-2016 - MT)

United States of America v. Neal Paul Rusette and Billi Anne Morsette

Great Falls, MT - Plain Green Officials Sent to Prison

Former Chief Executive Officers for Plain Green, the Chippewa Cree Tribe’s internet lending business, were both sentenced today to several years in prison by U.S. District Judge Brian Morris in Great Falls. Neal Paul Rosette, 54, of Box Elder, who served as the lending corporation’s CEO from its origination until January of 2012, wa... More...
   $1488472 (03-08-2016 - MT)


This is the State’s second appeal from the First Judicial District Court’s
injunctions preventing implementation of certain provisions of the Act. Montana
Cannabis Industry Association v. State, 2012 MT 201, 366 Mont. 224, 286 P.3d 1161
(hereafter MCIA I). The Act repealed the 2004 Medical Marijuana Act (2004 Act)—
which was established by voter initiative (I-148)—and replaced... More...
   $0 (02-28-2016 - MT)

State Of Montana v. Allport

On December 17, 2013, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Lincoln County Sheriff’s
Deputy Boyd White observed a moving vehicle with the driver-side headlight out.
Deputy White pulled the vehicle over and, when he approached, he found Allport alone
in the vehicle looking at Deputy White “with a blank stare.” Deputy White could smell
alcohol from inside Allport’s vehicle, and he noticed... More...
   $0 (12-30-2015 - MT)

Public Land/Water Access Association, Inc. v. Roger Jones

1 In 2000, Roger Jones purchased approximately 4,900 acres of property in Teton County, Montana, known as Boadle Ranch. Since acquiring the property, Jones has prohibited public use of the two main roads transecting Boadle Ranch. Public Lands/Water Access Association (PLWA), a Montana non-profit membership organization dedicated to promoting access to public-owned lands, has consistently sought to... More...    $410000 (10-19-2015 - MT)

Border Resources, LLC v. Irish Oil & Gas, Inc.

Irish Oil is an oil and gas exploration, production, and brokerage company. Border provides landman services to clients, including acquiring leases, performing due diligence, and providing title curative work. This case involves Border's claim against Irish Oil for breach of contract for landman services Border provided to Irish Oil and Irish Oil's counterclaim against Border for breach of fiducia... More...    $0 (09-21-2015 - MT)

United States of America v. John Chance Houle

Great Falls, MT - Former Chippewa Cree Tribal Chairman Chance Houle Sentenced to Prison

Former Chippewa Cree Tribal Chairman John Chance Houle, 51, of Box Elder, was sentenced to 68 months in prison, $646,456 in restitution, three years of supervised release to follow his incarceration, and $400 in special assessments. Houle appeared before U.S. District Judge Brian Morris in Great Falls... More...
   $0 (07-29-2015 - MT)

WildEarth Guardians v. Montana Snowmobile Association

WildEarth Guardians, Montanans for Quiet Recreation,
Inc., and Friends of the Bitterroot, Inc. (collectively,
“WildEarth”), challenge the United States Forest Service’s
decision to designate over two million acres of public land in
the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (“Forest”) for use
by winter motorized vehicles, principally snowmobiles.
WildEarth alleges t... More...
   $0 (06-24-2015 - MT)

United States of America v. Douglas Vance Crooked Arm

Following conviction and sentencing upon Defendants-
Appellants Douglas “Vance” Crooked Arm’s and Kenneth
Shane’s (collectively Defendants) conditional guilty pleas in
this case, Defendants appeal the district court’s denial of their
pretrial Motion to Dismiss Indictment for Failure to State a
Felony Claim. We consider the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of
1918 (MBTA).... More...
   $0 (06-08-2015 - MT)

Mary McCulley v. U.S. Bank of Montana

¶1 U.S. Bank of Montana (hereinafter U.S. Bank or the Bank) appeals from the
judgment entered by the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, following a
jury trial. In 2006, Mary McCulley (McCulley) purchased a condominium in Bozeman
and sought a 30-year residential financing loan from Heritage Bank, predecessor to U.S.
Bank, in the amount of $300,000. In June 2009, M... More...
   $0 (04-14-2015 - MT)

Lucas Ranch, Inc. v. Montana Department of Revenue

¶1 Lucas Ranch, the Montana Farm Bureau Federation, and the Montana Taxpayers’
Association (“Petitioners”) filed suit against the Montana Department of Revenue
(“Department”), in the District Court for the Fourteenth Judicial District, Meagher
County. In June 2013, the Department moved for summary judgment. The District
Court granted the Department summary judgment and t... More...
   $0 (04-28-2015 - MT)

United States of America v. Wade Christopher Colliflower

GREAT FALLS, MT – The former president of an Indian rodeo association at Rocky Boy’s was sentenced to six months in federal custody for his role in a scheme to embezzle monies from Chippewa Cree Rodeo Association accounts. U.S. District Judge Brian Morris ordered Wade Christopher Colliflower, 33, of Box Elder, in connection with his earlier guilty plea of theft from an Indian tribal organizat... More...    $0 (05-07-2015 - MT)

United States of America v. John Chance Houle

GREAT FALLS, MT – Former Chippewa Cree Tribal Chairman John Chance Houle, 50, of Box Elder, pleaded guilty today to four felonies involving bribery, embezzlement, obstruction of justice, and tax evasion, according to the United States Attorney’s Office. Houle had been charged in four indictments handed down by a federal Grand Jury investigating corruption in Indian Country. Houle appeared befo... More...    $0 (12-08-2014 - MT)

Wittich Law Firm, P.C. v. Valery Ann O'Connell and David O'Connell

¶1 Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(d), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating Rules, this case is decided by memorandum opinion and shall not be cited and does not serve as precedent. Its case title, cause number, and disposition shall be included in this Court’s quarterly list of noncitable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana Reports.

¶2 Valery Ann O’Connell and ... More...
   $0 (01-28-2014 - MT)

Montana Shooting Sports Association v. Eric H. Holder, Jr.

Plaintiffs Gary Marbut, the Montana Shooting Sports Association, and the Second Amendment Foundation appeal the dismissal of their action challenging federal firearms regulations. Marbut wants to manufacture firearms under the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, state legislation that declares that the manufacture and sale of certain firearms within the state is beyond the scope of Congress’s commerce... More...    $0 (08-23-2013 - MT)

Eugene Thayer v. Mark A. Hollinger

¶1 Plaintiffs (collectively referred to as the Homeowners) appeal from the District Court’s Opinion and Order, filed October 4, 2011. We affirm.

¶2 The Homeowners contend that the District Court erred by not recognizing that they have unrestricted easements across four roads located on the Hollingers’ property.


¶3 This action arises fro... More...
   $0 (03-05-2013 - MT)

Clayton E. DeVoe v. The City of Missoula

¶1 Clayton DeVoe appeals from orders of the District Court upholding application of the zoning ordinances of the City of Missoula, and awarding attorney fees to Connie Poten and Andrew Sponseller. Poten and Sponseller cross-appeal the District Court’s refusal to award part of the attorney fees they requested. We affirm.


¶2 In February, 2005 DeVoe applied to the City of... More...
   $0 (04-03-2012 - MT)

Robert Hurly v. Lake Cabin Development, LLC

¶1 Appellants Robert Hurly, Dirk Hurly, Irene Jones, and Candace Krewer (collectively the “Robert Hurly family”) appeal the Eleventh Judicial District Court’s judgment in favor of Lake Cabin Development, LLC (Lake Cabin). Appellants raise the following issues:

¶2 1. Whether the District Court erred in determining there was no enforceable contract between the parties.

¶3 2. W... More...
   $0 (04-10-2012 - MT)

Russell Country Sportmen v. United States Forest Service

We decide whether the United States Forest Service’s (Service) 2007 Travel Management Plan for parts of the Lewis and Clark National Forest, including the Middle Fork Judith Wilderness Study Area, violates the Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1977 (Study Act) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We hold that nothing in the Study Act, which requires the Service to manage a wilderness ... More...    $0 (10-12-2011 - MT)

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