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Taha, Yousef N. - Rochester, NY 585-423-8290 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
DiPrima, Michael T. - Rochester, NY 585-797-7926 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Battaglia, Jack M. - Rochester, NY 585-232-5300 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Guerrieri, Paul - Rochester, NY 585-360-1254 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Colavecchia, Gregory Joseph - Rochester, NY 585-270-8882 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Pullano, Peter J. - Rochester, NY 585-492-4700 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Abbott, Jason E. - Rochester, NY 585-546-5170 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Pieper, Lindsey Marie - Rochester, NY 585-943-8174 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
Schiano, Michael Patrick - Rochester, NY 585-546-7150 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |
McDonald, William J. - Garden City, NY (516)-630-4501 Vehicular Homicide Lawyer |