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Schneider, McLain J. - Fargo, ND 701-235-4481 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Brothers, James R. - Fargo, ND 701-235-5515 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Brakke, Jon R. - Fargo, ND (701) 237-6983 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Minch, Roger J. - Fargo, ND 701-232-8957 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Garaas, David A. - Fargo, ND 701-293-7211 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Berge, Vanessa Rose - Fargo, ND 701-478-9962 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Monson, Sara M. - Fargo, ND 701-235-8000 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Swanson, Joshua A. - Fargo, ND 701-237-6983 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Rodenburg, Clifton G. - Fargo, ND 701-235-6411 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Wendorf, Eeva - Fargo, ND 701-235-6411 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Sayler, Joseph M. - Coon Rapids, MN 763-280-3707 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Crow, George E. - Katy, TX 281-391-9275 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Wachs, Dana - Eau Claire, WI 715-839-9500 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Purdon, Timothy Q. - Bismarck, ND 612-349-8767 Civil Litigation Lawyer |
Wickstrom, Beverly - Eau Claire, WI 715-839-9500 Civil Litigation Lawyer |