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Date: 01-03-2019

Case Style:


Case Number: 2017-A-0066



Plaintiff's Attorney: Nicholas A. Iarocci, Ashtabula County Prosecutor, and Shelley M. Pratt, Assistant Prosecutor

Defendant's Attorney: James David Ingalls


Appellant was originally charged in a seven-count indictment; to wit: Count
One, rape, in violation of R.C. 2907.02(A)(1)(b), a felony of the first degree; Counts Two
and Three, sexual battery, in violation of R.C. 2907.03(A)(2), felonies of the third
degree; Count Four, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, in violation of R.C.
2907.04(A)(B)(3), a felony of the third degree; Counts Five and Six, corrupting another
with drugs, in violation of R.C. 2925.02(A)(4)(a)(C)(3), a felony of the fourth degree; and
Count Seven, sexual imposition, in violation of R.C. 2907.06(A)(4), a misdemeanor of
the third degree. Appellant entered a plea of not guilty to the charges.
{¶3} During discovery, defense counsel filed a motion to “Determine
Defendant’s Right of Access to Department of Human Services and Other Records” of
appellant’s accusers, who were juveniles. The state opposed the motion and, following
a hearing, the court issued an order stating the requested records were not in the
possession of the prosecutor’s office and must be subpoenaed prior to the court
conducting an in-camera review of the same. Defense counsel issued subpoenas to
various schools and public agencies. The state subsequently filed motions to quash the
subpoenas, which the trial court granted.
{¶4} On July 5, 2017, the state dismissed the indictment and filed a bill of
information, charging appellant with two counts of endangering children, a violation of
R.C. 2919.22(A)(E)(2)(c), felonies of the third degree. Appellant subsequently entered
a plea, pursuant to Alford, supra. After conducting a hearing on the plea, the trial court
accepted appellant’s plea and found him guilty. Following a sentencing hearing, the
court ordered appellant to serve 36-months imprisonment on each count, for a total of
six years in prison. This appeal followed. For his first assignment of error, appellant
{¶5} “The trial court erred in finding defendant Bilicic guilty of endangering
children, in violation of Ohio Revised Code 2919.22(A)(E)(2)(c), a felony of the third
{¶6} Appellant argues the state failed to provide the court with a sufficient
factual basis upon which the court could premise its guilty determination.
{¶7} A plea entered pursuant to Alford is a plea that permits a defendant to
plead legal guilt, yet maintain his or her factual innocence. State v. Anderson, 11th Dist.
Lake No. 2005-L-178, 2006-Ohio-5167, ¶8. Before accepting an Alford plea, “[t]he trial
judge must ascertain that notwithstanding the defendant’s protestations of innocence,
he has made a rational calculation that it is in his best interest to accept the plea
bargain offered by the prosecutor.” State v. Padgett, 67 Ohio App.3d 332, 338, (2d
Dist.1990), citing Alford, supra, at 38, fn. 10; see also Anderson, supra, at ¶8.
{¶8} Moreover, a trial court may accept an Alford plea when a factual basis for
the guilty plea is evidenced by the record. See Alford, supra, at 37-38. Some
clarification of this point is necessary. In State v. Post, 32 Ohio St.3d 380 (1987), the
Ohio Supreme Court recognized that an Alford plea “should not be accepted unless
there is a factual basis for the plea.” Id. at 387. Still, the Court emphasized that the
Alford opinion “found no constitutional bar to accepting a guilty plea in the face of an
assertion of innocence provided a defendant voluntarily, knowingly[,] and
understandingly consents to sentencing on a charge.” Id. citing Alford, at 37-38. The
Court in Post emphasized that, while a factual basis is preferable, Crim.R. 11 does not
require a trial court to establish a factual basis before accepting a guilty plea.
{¶9} With this in mind, and because appellant does not allege his pleas were
invalid because they were not entered voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently, we shall
simply consider the factual basis provided by the state:
{¶10} On record, after the plea colloquy, the prosecutor stated:
{¶11} Your honor, between November 1st, 2014 and February 16, 2015, the defendant resided with both victims and their mother. He was involved romantically with the mother at that time. In that capacity he had a duty of care to these children acting in loco parentis as a custodian and failed in that duty to protect and care for these children in that repeatedly over the course of that time the defendant would give the girls marijuana, and in exchange for that marijuana as time went on, he would ask for sexual favors, primarily oral sex from both girls, and the girls would comply. The oldest girl was between the ages of 14 and 15 at the time of these events. The youngest was between 12 and 13 at the time of these events. Between the marijuana and the sexual conduct, these children have suffered severe psychological harm, which would necessitate prolonged treatment.

{¶12} Appellant asserts the state’s factual basis only indicates his accusers
suffered psychological harm; the crime of endangering children, however, requires a
child to suffer “serious physical harm.” We do not agree.
{¶13} Preliminarily, appellant cites State v. Simon, 11th Dist. Lake No. 98-L-134,
2000 WL 688728 (May 26, 2000) in support of his position. Simon, however, is
fundamentally distinguishable. Simon involved a jury trial and the issue was whether
the state breached a pretrial agreement not to present evidence of psychological harm
to prove serious physical harm. This matter involves an Alford plea at which the state
was asked to provide a factual basis and, in doing so, alleged the child victims suffered
psychological harm that would require prolonged treatment. Appellant does not allege
the state breached an agreement not to do so and thus Simon is inherently
{¶14} That said, R.C. 2901.01(A)(5) states that “serious physical harm to
persons” means any of the following: “(a) Any mental illness or condition of such gravity
as would normally require hospitalization or prolonged psychiatric treatment.” The
prosecutor’s recitation of the facts demonstrates that, if the charges were to be tried,
evidence would be introduced that the child victims, as a result of the alleged abuse,
suffered from a mental condition so severe they would require prolonged treatment.
Although appellant maintains the prosecutor failed to specifically state the children
would require psychiatric treatment, the state is not required to prove its case beyond a
reasonable doubt at a plea hearing. Moreover, we find no authority for the proposition
that the state must present specific facts going to each element of a charge where a
defendant enters an Alford plea. See e.g., State v. Battigaglia, 6th Dist. Ottawa Nos.
OT-09-009 & OT-09-010, 2010-Ohio-802, ¶24 (rejecting the contention that prosecutor
was required to present facts on each element of an offense in the context of an Alford
plea because Crim.R. 11 contains no such requirement.) The factual basis was
therefore sufficient to permit the court to accept appellant’s Alford plea.
{¶15} Appellant’s first assignment of error lacks merit.
{¶16} Appellant’s second assignment of error provides:
{¶17} “The trial court committed prejudicial error when it permitted a non-victim’s
alleged statement to be read into the record at Defendant Bilicic’s sentencing hearing.”
{¶18} Under this assigned error, appellant asserts the trial court erred when it
permitted a third-party, non-victim to read the statement of the child victims’ mother at
the sentencing hearing. We do not agree.
{¶19} In State v. Pattinson, 11th Dist. Trumbull No. 2010-T-0003, 2010-Ohio
5664, this court was faced with a similar argument. In rejecting the same, this court,
quoting various sister districts, observed:
{¶20} “The Ohio statute governing sentencing hearings provides that ‘the offender, the prosecuting attorney, the victim or the victim’s representative in accordance with section 2930.14 of the Revised Code, and, with the approval of the court, any other person may present information relevant to the imposition of sentence in the case.’ [R.C. 2929.19(A).] The court therefore has discretion ‘to hear statements from anyone with information relevant to the imposition of a sentence in the case.’ “[Battigaglia, supra,] at ¶25, citing State v. Hough, 11th Dist. No. 2001-T-0009, 2002-Ohio-2942, at ¶15. (First emphasis added).

{¶21} “R.C. 2930.02(A) does not limit the trial court’s discretion regarding the number of people who may speak at a sentencing hearing. R.C. 2929.19(A)(1) provides that the trial court has the discretion to permit any person with information relevant to the imposition of sentence to speak at the sentencing hearing.” State v. Harwell, 149 Ohio App.3d 147, 776 N.E.2d 524, 2002-Ohio-4349, at ¶7. “[S]uch an allowance will not be reversed absent an abuse of discretion.” State v. Rose, 3rd Dist. No. 5-06-32, 2007-Ohio-2863, at ¶10. Pattinson, supra, ¶15-16.

{¶22} Appellant asserts that because Ms. Hall is not a victim of appellant’s
charged crimes, her statement was read by a third party, and it was a lengthy narrative
replete with unsubstantiated statements, the trial court abused its discretion in
permitting the same. First of all, no objection was leveled at Ms. Farmer reading the
statement or, after she began reading it, at the content of the statement. In this respect,
any arguable error is forfeited. Assuming the error was not forfeited, we find no error.
{¶23} While Ms. Hall’s statement included harsh, inflammatory words and
allegations, it was written by the child-victims’ mother. It is understandable that, given
the allegations and circumstances, a parent would be angry, impassioned, and horrified
by the situation in which she finds herself and her children. And it is also both
understandable and reasonable that the trial court would give the parent of two child
victims a platform, at sentencing, to voice her feelings. This does not imply, however,
that the trial judge, catalyzed by the outrage and vehemence of the mother’s words, lost
his objectivity and sentenced appellant based upon fury and passion. The mother’s
words, while in some cases incendiary, were the product of a clearly upset parent. The
trial judge could recognize this, appreciate her statement, but still separate himself from
the jarring and severe nature of its content. The record suggests the trial judge did so.
The court specifically stated it considered the purposes and principles of the sentencing
statutes; the recidivism factors and the seriousness/less-serious factors; as well as the
presentence investigation report in selecting its sentence. We therefore hold the trial
court did not abuse its discretion in permitting the statement to be read at the
sentencing hearing.
{¶24} Appellant’s second assignment of error lacks merit.
{¶25} Appellant’s third assignment of error provides:
{¶26} “The trial court committed prejudicial error and violated Defendant’s due
process rights when it failed to conduct an in-camera inspection of records subpoenaed
by Defendant before it denied Defendant’s request for the records.”
{¶27} Appellant takes issue with the trial court’s decision to deny his request for
certain records without conducting an in-camera inspection of the same. This action
took place prior to appellant entering into his plea. An Alford plea is procedurally
indistinguishable from a guilty plea and waives all alleged errors, including the denial of
a motion to suppress, committed at trial except those errors that may have affected the
entry of a defendant’s plea pursuant to Crim.R. 11. State v. Leasure, 6th Dist. Lucas No.
L-05-1260, 2007-Ohio-100, ¶7; see also State v. Adkins, 2d Dist. Clark No. 2014-CA
118, 2015-Ohio-4605, ¶7. The instant alleged error occurred prior to appellant entering
his Alford plea. Because appellant does not challenge the validity of the trial court’s
Crim.R. 11 colloquy, the error was therefore waived.
{¶28} Appellant’s third assignment of error lacks merit.
{¶29} Appellant’s fourth assignment of error provides:
{¶30} “The trial court committed reversible error when it sentenced Defendant
Bilicic to maximum, consecutive sentences.”
{¶31} An appellate court generally reviews felony sentences under the standard
of review set forth in R.C. 2953.08(G)(2), which states:
{¶32} The court hearing an appeal under division (A), (B), or (C) of this section
shall review the record, including the findings underlying the sentence or modification
given by the sentencing court.
{¶33} The appellate court may increase, reduce, or otherwise modify a sentence
that is appealed under this section or may vacate the sentence and remand the matter
to the sentencing court for resentencing. The appellate court's standard for review is not
whether the sentencing court abused its discretion. The appellate court may take any
action authorized by this division if it clearly and convincingly finds either of the
{¶34} (a) That the record does not support the sentencing court's findings under
division (B) or (D) of section 2929.13, division (B)(2)(e) or (C)(4) of section 2929.14, or
division (I) of section 2929.20 of the Revised Code, whichever, if any, is relevant;
{¶35} (b) That the sentence is otherwise contrary to law.
{¶36} Appellate courts “‘may vacate or modify any sentence that is not clearly
and convincingly contrary to law’” only when the appellate court clearly and convincingly
finds that the record does not support the sentence. State v. Wilson, 11th Dist. Lake
No. 2017-L-028, 2017-Ohio-7127, ¶18, quoting State v. Marcum, 146 Ohio St.3d 516,
2016-Ohio-1002, ¶23.
{¶37} The Ohio Supreme Court has held, R.C. 2929.11 and R.C. 2929.12 do not
require judicial fact-finding. State v. Foster, 109 Ohio St.3d 1, 2006-Ohio-856, ¶42;
State v. Macko, 11th Dist. Lake No. 2016-L-022, 2017-Ohio-253, ¶75. “Rather, in
sentencing a defendant for a felony, a court is merely required to consider the purposes
and principles of sentencing in R.C. 2929.11 and the statutory * * * factors in R.C.
2929.12.” Macko, supra, citing Foster, supra.
{¶38} Further, R.C. 2929.14(C)(4) provides, in relevant part, as follows regarding
consecutive felony sentences:
{¶39} If multiple prison terms are imposed on an offender for convictions of multiple offenses, the court may require the offender to serve the prison terms consecutively if the court finds that the consecutive service is necessary to protect the public from future crime or to punish the offender and that consecutive sentences are not disproportionate to the seriousness of the offender’s conduct and to the danger the offender poses to the public, and if the court also finds any of the following:

{¶40} (a) The offender committed one or more of the multiple offenses while the offender was awaiting trial or sentencing, was under a sanction imposed pursuant to section 2929.16, 2929.17, or 2929.18 of the Revised Code, or was under post-release control for a prior offense.

{¶41} (b) At least two of the multiple offenses were committed as part of one or more courses of conduct, and the harm caused by two or more of the multiple offenses so committed was so great or unusual that no single prison term for any of the offenses committed as part
of any of the courses of conduct adequately reflects the seriousness of the offender’s conduct.

{¶42} (c) The offender’s history of criminal conduct demonstrates that consecutive sentences are necessary to protect the public from future crime by the offender. R.C. 2929.14(C)(4).

{¶43} Appellant first asserts that consecutive sentences were erroneously
ordered because the trial court failed to fully comply with R.C. 2929.14(C)(4). We agree
appellant’s sentence must be reversed on this basis. This conclusion renders
appellant’s remaining arguments relating to the recidivism and seriousness factors
{¶44} Prior to imposing sentence, the trial court stated on record and in its
judgment entry on sentence, that consecutive sentences were necessary to protect the
public from future crimes and to punish appellant and consecutive sentences were not
disproportionate to the seriousness of appellant’s conduct or to the danger he poses to
the public. The trial court, however, failed to make the additional findings required by
R.C. 2929.14(C)(4)(a) –(c).
{¶45} “[A] trial court is required to make the findings mandated by R.C.
2929.14(C)(4) at the sentencing hearing and incorporate its findings into its sentencing
entry * * *.” State v. Bonnell, 140 Ohio St.3d 209, 2014-Ohio-3177, ¶37. Further, the
trial court is not required to use “talismanic” words when imposing consecutive
sentences. See e.g. State v. Graham, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 25934, 2014-Ohio
4250, ¶36. As stated by the Supreme Court, “a word-for-word recitation of the
language of the statute is not required, and as long as the reviewing court can discern
that the trial court engaged in the correct analysis and can determine that the record
contains evidence to support the findings, consecutive sentences should be
upheld.” Bonnell at ¶29. Nevertheless, “[a] consecutive sentence is contrary to law
where the trial court fails to make the consecutive sentencing findings as required
by R.C. 2929.14(C)(4).” State v. Todd, 12th Dist. Clermont No. CA2014-05-035, 2015
Ohio-649, ¶21.
{¶46} The statute states that a trial court must not only find “consecutive service
is necessary to protect the public from future crime or to punish the offender and that
consecutive sentences are not disproportionate to the seriousness of the offender’s
conduct and to the danger the offender poses to the public,” but also that any of the
three categories of scenarios set forth under R.C. 2929.14(C)(a) – (c) apply. In this
matter, there is no indication the trial court made the requisite findings pursuant to
subsections (a)-(c). As such, we cannot discern, from the trial court’s statements on
record, that it engaged in the correct statutory analysis. Accordingly, appellant’s
sentence is contrary to law and must be reversed and remanded for resentencing.
{¶47} Appellant’s fourth assignment of error has merit.

Outcome: For the reasons discussed in this opinion, the judgment of the Ashtabula
County Court of Common Pleas is affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded for the limited purpose of conducting a resentencing hearing.

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