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Date: 06-29-2019

Case Style:

Ex Parte Barry Moore

Case Number: 04-19-00355-CR

Judge: PER CURIAM Sitting: Sandee Bryan Marion, Chief Justice Rebeca C. Martinez, Justice Liza A. Rodriguez, Justice

Court: Fourth Court of Appeals San Antonio, Texas

Plaintiff's Attorney: David Willborn

Defendant's Attorney: Susan Lee Schoon


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On May 28, 2019, relator filed in this court an “Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus
Seeking Release Under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 17.151,” which we will construe
as a petition for writ of mandamus complaining of the trial court’s refusal to set for a hearing and
rule on relator’s “Third Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus Seeking Release Because of Delay
Under Article 17.151.” On June 3, 2019, the trial court provided this court with a courtesy copy
of an “Order of Setting” in which the respondent set a hearing on relator’s application for July 2,

Outcome: Because relator obtained the relief requested, we dismiss his petition for writ of mandamus as moot.

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