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Date: 06-02-2022

Case Style:

Alfredo Martinez and Justin Page v. Southern California Edison

Case Number:


Court: Superior Court, Los Angeles County, California

Plaintiff's Attorney:

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Defendant's Attorney:

Description: Los Angeles, California employment law lawyer represented Plaintiffs, who sued Defendant on job discrimination theories claiming to have been forced out of their jobs after complaining about repeated sexual and racial harassment.

Alfredo Martinez and Justin Page sued Southern California Edison on jury discrimination and retaliation theories. They claimed that Edison's South Bay office had a fraternity-like culture in which racial and sexual harassment was widespread, common and sometimes swept under the rug.

Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdicts for $24.6 million in compensatory damages Wednesday to plaintiffs Alfredo Martinez and Justin Page, bringing the combined verdict to more than $464.6 million.

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