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Date: 07-27-2022

Case Style:

United States of America v. Daniel Arturo Lozano

Case Number: 5:21-cr-01332

Judge: Marina Garcia Marmolejo

Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Webb County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: United States Attorney’s Office

Defendant's Attorney:

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Description: Laredo, Texas criminal defense lawyer represented defendant charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Daniel Arturo Lozano, age 45, was charged with

At trial, the jury heard that on June 21, 2021, law enforcement responded to reports describing Lozano’s angry and disorderly behavior at Lozano’s Country Store located in San Ygnacio.

Upon their arrival, Lozano fled the scene and began a vehicle chase before returning to the store. At that time, he exited his vehicle and brandished an AR-style rifle. Lozano left the rifle at the store, returned to his truck and departed. Law enforcement took Lozano into custody later that night.

The defense attempted to convince the jury that the weapon Lozano displayed was actually a realistic-looking pellet gun that law enforcement found when they arrested him. However, the jury saw both the pellet gun and AR-style rifle compared side by side and the rifle was identified as the weapon Lozano had showed at the scene.

The jury did not believe defense claims and found Lozano guilty as charged.

He had been previously convicted of possession of cocaine. As such, he is prohibited per federal law of possession of firearms or ammunition.

U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo presided over trial and set sentencing for Oct. 27. At that time, Lozano faces up to 10 years in federal prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine.

He has been and will remain in custody pending sentencing.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted the investigation with the assistance of the Zapata County Sheriff’s Office. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian Bajew and David Fawcett are prosecuting the case.

Possession of Firearms by convicted felon. Penalty: 0 to 10 yrs, $250,000.00 Fine, $100 CVF, 3 yrs SRT.

Outcome: Defendant was found guilty.

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