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Date: 07-29-2022

Case Style:

Michael Picard v. Michael Magliano

Case Number: 1:19-CV-03059

Judge: Denis L. Cote

Court: In the District Court in and for Tulsa County, Oklahoma

Plaintiff's Attorney:


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Defendant's Attorney: Alissa Schecter Wright and Michael Adam Berg

Description: New York City, New York civil rights lawyers represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendants on civil rights violation theories claiming that he was wrongfully arrested and prosecuted for handing out leaflets near the federal courthouse advocating "jury nullification" as a way of to nullify bad laws.

Plaintiff was taken into custody in 2017 after police officers concluded that he was violating a New York law barring people from standing within 200 feet of a courthouse calling for or demanding any specific action or determination by a court of jury.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for an unknown sum.

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