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Date: 06-27-2023

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United States of America v. Gerald H. Paul-Gibson

Case Number: 4:19-cr-00221

Judge: Greg G. Kays

Court: United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri (Jakcson County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: United States Attorney’s Office in Kansas City

Defendant's Attorney:

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Description: Kansas City, Missouri criminal defense lawyer represented Defendant charged with sex trafficking a child.

On March 9, 2022, Gerald H. Paul-Gibson, 33, pleaded guilty to the sex trafficking of a child. Paul-Gibson admitted that he recruited, transported, and advertised a 15-year-old victim for prostitution, and either knew or recklessly disregarded the fact that the child victim was under the age of 18.

Kansas City, Mo., police officers initially arrested the child victim for soliciting prostitution during a human trafficking sting at a local hotel on April 24, 2019. Once arrested, officers recognized she was a minor. She identified herself via her high school email address and confirmed she was 15 years old.

The child victim told investigators she met Paul-Gibson in Milwaukee and he brought her to Kansas City. Paul-Gibson placed advertisements online and transported her to the hotel for the appointment with an undercover police officer. Paul-Gibson, who was parked outside the hotel, was arrested. When investigators searched his cell phone, they found a large number of text messages that confirmed Paul-Gibson recruited women for prostitution. In some conversations, Paul-Gibson refers to himself as a pimp.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Catherine A. Connelly. It was investigated by the FBI and the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department.

Outcome: The defendant pleaded guilty to Count One on March 9, 2022. The defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons to be imprisoned for a total term of 120 months as to Count 1. Upon release from imprisonment, the defendant shall be on supervised release for a term of 10 years. MPA $100. No fine. No restitution.

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