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Date: 07-20-2023

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Kira Wahlstrom v. Zurich American Insurance Company, et al.

Case Number: 1:22-cv-10037

Judge: Leo T. Sorokin

Court: United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (Suffolk County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Bridget Zerner and John Markham

Defendant's Attorney: Allen David, Avana Epperson-Temple, Scarlett Rajhanshi

Description: Boston, Massachusetts insurance law lawyers represented Plaintiff who sued Defendants on bad faith breach of an insurance contract theory.

This case was fined in the Essex Superior Court, 2177CV01213 and was removed to the federal court by the Defendants.

Acting in bad faith can be a breach of contract in Massachusetts. Under Massachusetts law, all contracts contain an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. This means that each party to a contract must act in good faith and fair dealing in the performance of their obligations under the contract. Acting in bad faith is a violation of this covenant.

Bad faith can be difficult to prove, but it can be evidenced by conduct such as:

Delaying or refusing to perform without a legitimate reason
Using the contract for a purpose other than what it was intended for
Failing to disclose material information to the other party
Making false promises
Engaging in misrepresentation or fraud

If you believe that the other party to your contract has acted in bad faith, you may be able to sue for breach of contract. In addition to damages, you may also be able to recover attorneys' fees and other costs.

Here are some examples of bad faith breach of contract in Massachusetts:

An insurance company denies a claim that is clearly covered by the policy.
A landlord fails to make repairs to a rental property that are necessary to make it habitable.
An employer fires an employee without just cause.
A business partner fails to contribute to the agreed-upon share of the business expenses.

If you believe that you have been the victim of bad faith breach of contract, you should consult with an attorney to discuss your legal options.

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Outcome: NOTICE by Philip N Beauregard Clarification of Attorney's Lien (Beauregard, Philip) (Entered: 07/21/2023)

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