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Date: 12-11-2023

Case Style:

United States of America v. James Cleveland Manywhitehorses

Case Number: 4:23-cr-00055

Judge: Brian Morris

Court: United States District Court for the District of Montana (Cascade County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: United States District Attorney’s Office in Great Falls

Defendant's Attorney:

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Description: Great Falls, Montana criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with felony possession of a firearm.

James Cleveland Manywhitehorses was charged with violating 18 U.S.C. 922, which provides:

(g) It shall be unlawful for any person—
(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
(2) who is a fugitive from justice;
(3) who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));
(4) who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution;
(5) who, being an alien—
(A) is illegally or unlawfully in the United States; or
(B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(26)));
(6) who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
(7) who, having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced his citizenship;

Outcome: Defendant was sentenced to 27 months in prison, followed by 3 years of supervised release and assessed $100.

Plaintiff's Experts:

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