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Date: 03-02-2024

Case Style:

David Troup v. Norman Calvin Cobb, Jr. and Clark Transfer, Inc.

Case Number: 1:22-cv-00011

Judge: Landya B. McCafferty

Court: United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire (Merrimack County)

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best Concord Personal injury Lawyer Directory

Defendant's Attorney: Concord, New Hampshire insurance defense lawyer represented the Defendant.

Description: Concord, New Hampshire personal injury truck wreck lawyers represented the Plaintiff who sued the on auto negligence theories.

This case was filed in the Cheshire County Superior Court, 213-2021-CV-00186 and was removed to federal court by the Defendants.

The New Hampshire modified comparative negligence law allows a plaintiff (injured person) to file a lawsuit even if they are partially responsible for their own injuries. However, this is only true if the plaintiff is 50% or less responsible for the injuries.

Outcome: Settled for an undisclosed sum and dismissed with prejudice.

Plaintiff's Experts:

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