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Date: 01-15-2020

Case Style:

Lisa Bioty v. Stephen Bioty

Case Number: NNHCV175040646

Judge: Maureen Price-Boreland

Court: Superior Court, New Haven County, Connecticut

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best New Haven Divorce Lawyer Directory

Defendant's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best New Haven Divorce Lawyer Directory

Description: New Haven, Connecticut family law lawyers represented the parties in a divorce action.

This action for dissolution of marriage went to judgment on December 7th, 2017, the agreement of the parties was incorporated into the judgment #103/103.1). Before the court are Plaintiff’s postjudgment motions ##114 and 114.20, for modification of alimony and support, #114.30, contempt citation, #114.40 alcohol testing and Defendant’s motions #121.0, for contempt and #122.0, modification of alimony. An evidentiary hearing on the motions was held over the course of two days, November 5th and December 17th, 2019. The parties were present, both represented by counsel and each presented evidence and testimony.

The following is a summary of the court orders:

Plaintiff’s motions, 114 and 114.20- Modification of child support and alimony are denied

Plaintiff’s motion, 114.30- Resolved based on oral agreement and court order

Defendant’s Motion, 114.40- Denied consistent with the order above

Plaintiff’s Motion, 121, Contempt motion denied consistent with the finding above.

Plaintiff’s Motion, 122, Denied modification of alimony...

Plaintiff's Experts:

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