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Date: 04-17-2024

Case Style:

Michael Peeples v. Daniel Shoemaker, et al.

Case Number: 2:22-Cv-229

Judge: Kelly H. Rankin

Court: United States District Court for the District of Wyoming (Laramie County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Eric Hinckley

Defendant's Attorney: James C. Worthan

Description: Cheyenne, Wyoming personal injury lawyer Eric Hinckley represented the Plaintiff who sued on auto negligence theories.

This case was filed in the Unita County District Court, 2022-CV-0000311, and was removed to federal court.

The following five elements may typically be required to prove negligence: The existence of a legal duty that theendant owed the plaintiff, Defendant’s breach of that duty, Harm to the plaintiff, Defendant’s actions are the proximate cause of harm to the plaintiff, and Defendant’s actions are the cause-in-fact of harm to the plaintiff.

“At Fault” and the “51% Bar” Rules in Wyoming Per this rule, the court allocates a percentage of fault to each driver involved in a car accident, and any driver 50% or less at fault is awarded damages, which are reduced according to that driver's percentage of fault.

Outcome: Settled for an undisclosed sum and dismissed with prejudice.

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