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Date: 06-06-2024

Case Style:

Yue Zhou v. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Immigrant Investor Program Office

Case Number: 1:24-cv-00919

Judge: Reggie B. Walton

Court: United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Washington County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Michael Chen

Defendant's Attorney: Kristen J. Rees


San Marino, California immigration lawyer Michael Chen represented the Plaintiff seeking review of the denial of an application for permission of immigrate to the United States.

Under the EB-5 program, investors (and their spouses and unmarried children under 21) are eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence (become a Green Card holder) if they:

Make the necessary investment in a commercial enterprise in the United States; and
Plan to create or preserve 10 permanent full-time jobs for qualified U.S. workers.

This program is known as EB-5 for the name of the employment-based fifth preference visa that participants receive.

Congress created the EB-5 Program in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. In 1992, Congress created the Immigrant Investor Program, also known as the Regional Center Program, which sets aside EB-5 visas for participants who invest in commercial enterprises associated with regional centers approved by USCIS based on proposals for promoting economic growth.

Outcome: 06/05/2024 4 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by YUE ZHOU (Chen, Michael) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
06/05/2024 MINUTE ORDER. In light of the plaintiff's 4 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, it is hereby ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. It is further ORDERED that this case is CLOSED. Signed by Judge Reggie B. Walton on June 5, 2024. (lcrbw3) (Entered: 06/05/2024)

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