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Date: 06-24-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Lance Slough

Case Number: 5:24-cr-00055

Judge: James Wesley Hendrix

Court: United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Dallas County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: United States District Attorney’s Office in Dallas

Defendant's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Directory


Dallas, Texas criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with transportation of illegal aliens in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(II) & (B)(ii) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 AID AND ABET

Outcome: Upon the agreement of the Government and Defendant on October 24, 2023, Defendants Supervised Release is REVOKED and Defendant is RESENTENCED -- Defendant is remanded to the custody of BOP until October 25, 2023. A term of twenty months of supervised release it imposed. ORIGINAL SENTENCE: Imprisonment of 21 MONTHS, 3 YEAR(S) Supervised Release; Special Assessment Fee- $100.00; No Fine

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