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Date: 06-26-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Casey Alexander

Case Number: 1:23-cr-00149

Judge: Solomon Oliver

Court: The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio (Cuyahoga County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office in Cleveland

Defendant's Attorney:

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Cleveland, Ohio criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Fraudulent Wine and Whiskey Scam

U.K. National Sentenced for Fraudulent Wine and Whiskey Scam that Targeted Older Americans

Casey Alexander, 27, of London, England, and others involved, engaged in a cold-calling scheme to target elderly investors throughout the United States. They used aggressive and deceptive tactics and promised large returns if the victims participated in wine and whiskey investments. They told victims that they could buy a portfolio of fine wines and whiskeys on their behalf, and then hold the purchase in a bonded warehouse located in Europe until sold for a profit.

Alexander and his team were able to convince the victims across the country to wire funds or make checks out to one or more suspect companies to participate in the investment opportunities. After the initial investments were made, victims were encouraged, and eventually convinced, to continue investing in order to secure larger returns.

In 2020, a victim’s son notified the Highland Heights Police Department (HHPD) to report the scam which defrauded the victim out of more than $300,000 over an 18-month period. HHPD then discovered similar complaints from others throughout the United States who reported being victims of a “wine scam” after being asked to purchase wine as an investment.

This case was investigated by the FBI. To date, investigators have identified over 150 victims within the United States who collectively invested more than $13 million in the wine and whiskey fraud scheme.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Brian McDonough for the Northern District of Ohio.

The investigation and prosecution of this case is in response to the Elder Justice Initiative Program originating from the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act of 2017 (EAPPA). The mission of the EAPPA and Elder Justice Initiative is to support and coordinate the Department of Justice’s enforcement efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, financial fraud, and scams that target the nation’s elderly population.

If you observe something that you believe might be fraudulent conduct involving an older adult, contact the dedicated National Elder Fraud Hotline at 1-833-FRAUD-11 or 1-833-372-8311 and visit the FBI’s IC3 Elder Fraud Complaint Center at to report it.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to three years of probation, Alexander was ordered to pay $202,195.58 in restitution for his role in the scam to the victim investors

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