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Date: 06-28-2024

Case Style:

State of West Virginia v. Michael Gossett

Case Number:

Judge: John Halliday

Court: Wood County, West Virginia

Plaintiff's Attorney: Wood County West Virginia District Attorney's Office

Defendant's Attorney:

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Parkersburg, West Virginia criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with six counts of pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor and six counts of illegal use of minor in nudity 0riented material or performance.

Outcome: “Counts 1-7 a mandatory sentence of life with a possibility of parole after 10 years for each count for the offense of rape. Counts 8-13 a definite sentence of five years on each count for pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor. Counts 14-19 a definite sentence of five years on each count for the offense of illegal use of a minor in nudity oriented material,” said Judge John Halliday.

Plaintiff's Experts:

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