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Date: 07-02-2024

Case Style:

State of Colorado v. Kevin Bui

Case Number:


Court: District Court, Denver County, Coloraod

Plaintiff's Attorney: Denver County Colorado District Attorney's Office

Defendant's Attorney:

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Denver, Colorado criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with multiple counts of second-degree murder.

Kevin Dui, age 20, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for his role in starting Aug. 5, 2020, fire in northeast Denver that killed five members of a Senegalese family.

Defendant and two other defendants soaked the inside of a Truckee Street home with gasoline and ignited it.

Djibril Diol, 29, his wife, Adja Diol, 23, and their daughter, Khadija Diol, 1, died in the house fire, along with Djibril’s sister, Hassan Diol, 25, and her 6-month-old daughter, Hawa Baye.

Gavin Seymour, now 19 years old, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Dillon Siebert, 14 at the time of the fire, was sentenced to three years in juvenile detention and seven years in a state prison program for young inmates.

Outcome: Defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 60 years in prison.

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