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Date: 08-19-2023

Case Style:

Summit Construction v. Jay Koontz and Jennie L. Kennette

Case Number: S-23-0244

Judge: Bill Simpson

Court: District Court, Washaldie County, Wyoming

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best Worland Breach of Contract Lawyer Directory

Defendant's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best Worland Breach of Contract Lawyer Directory


Worland, Wayoming civil litigation lawyers represented the parties in a contract dispute.

Summit Construction (Summit) filed suit for breach of contract against Jay Koontz and Jennie L. Kennette or, in the alternative, unjust enrichment against Mr. Koontz. Summit's claims were based upon nonpayment for work performed on Mr. Koontz's home pursuant to an alleged oral agreement between the parties. After a bench trial, the district court rejected both claims. Relevant here, it determined Summit's breach of contract claim failed because the parties did not have an enforceable oral contract and Summit did not sufficiently prove its damages with respect to its unjust enrichment claim. Summit appeals.

Outcome: Judgement for the Defendants.


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