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Date: 06-14-2024

Case Style:

Randall Thomas Bailey v. Sara Elizabeth Bailey

Case Number: 2024 WY 65

Judge: Bobbi Dean Overfield

Court: District Court, Park County, Wyoming

Plaintiff's Attorney:

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Defendant's Attorney:

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Cody, Wyoming family law lawyers represented the Plaintiff and Defendants in a custody and child support dispute.

[¶3] The parties married in 2005 and have three minor children. Ms. Larson filed a complaint for divorce in December 2022. The parties filed a stipulated request for a GAL, which the district court granted in March 2023. A temporary custody hearing promptly occurred, and the court's temporary custody order set the children's residence and each parties' parenting time for the remainder of the school year and summer recess.[1]

[¶4] In September 2023, following a two-day bench trial, the district court issued a Decision Letter that determined child custody and child support and divided the parties' property. The court entered the Decree a few weeks later and expressly incorporated the Decision Letter's findings. The Decree provided for joint legal custody, set the children's primary residence with Ms. Larson, and gave her final decision-making authority if the parents were unable to agree on certain issues. The Decree set Father's parenting time as every other weekend during the school year and every other week during summer break. During Father's parenting time, he could restrict the children's extracurricular activities so as to not interrupt or reduce his parenting time. For child support, the court imputed income to Mr. Bailey, determined the presumptive child support he owed to Ms. Larson, and entered a slight downward deviation in that amount. The court calculated the value of all marital property as approximately $2.2 million and divided that almost equally, with slightly more of the value going to Mr. Bailey. Nevertheless, the division of property required an equalization payment of $475,000 from Mr. Bailey to Ms. Larson.
Bailey v. Bailey, 2024 WY 65, S-23-0296 (Wyo. Jun 14, 2024)

Outcome: Affirmed on appeal.

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