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Date: 07-12-2024

Case Style:

State of Ohio v. Shane Edward Hooper

Case Number: 2023-CR-0242

Judge: Warren T. Edwards

Court: Court of Common Pleas, Marion County, Ohio

Plaintiff's Attorney: Marion County Ohio District Attorney's Office

Defendant's Attorney:

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Marion, Ohio criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with kidnapping in violation for 2905.01(A)(2)0.

Outcome: Defendant entered a plea of "GUILTY" to Count 1: Kidnapping, F1, Count 4: Kidnapping, F1, Count 5: Felonious Assault, F2, Count 6: Felonious Assault, F2, Count 15: Strangulation, F2, Count 18: Rape, F1, and Count 19: Rape, F1.
State Elected to Dismiss Counts 2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,20,21
The Court finds that Count 6: Felonious Assault, F2 and Count 15 Strangulation, F2, are allied offences which were committed by the same conduct. The offences merge and a conviction for only of these offenses is permissible. The State elected to proceed to sentencing on Count 6: Felonious Assault, F2. Count 15: Strangulation, F2, is dismissed.
Defendant is sentenced on Count 1: Kidnapping, F1, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 9 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 13.5 years in prison. Count 4: Kidnapping, F1, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 9 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 13.5 years in prison. Count 5: Felonious Assault, F2, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 5 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 7.5 years in prison. Count 6: Felonious Assault, F2, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 5 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 7.5 years in prison. Count 18: Rape, F1, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 11 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 16.5 years in prison. Count 19: Rape, F1, to an indefinite prison sentence, consisting of a minimum term of 11 years in prison and a maximum indefinite term of up to 16.5 years in prison. It is further ORDERED that all counts shall be served consecutive to one another, for a total indefinite term of 50-55.5 years in prison.
Defendant is given 402 days of jail time credit
The Court finds the DF is a Tier III sexual offender.
Costs and Appointed attorney fees are waived

It is further ORDERED that if the Defendant has not yet been fingerprinted in this case as required by R.C. 109.60 and 2301.10, they are ordered to report to Marion County Sheriff's Office and/or the Multi-County Correctional Center within twenty-four hours to be fingerprinted. The Marion County Sheriff's Office and/or Multi-County Correctional Center is ORDERED to file all forms related to the Defendant's fingerprinting with the Clerk of Court.

Plaintiff's Experts:

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