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Date: 07-18-2024

Case Style:

Brandi Jameson v. ABF Freight Systesm, Inc.

Case Number: 5:24-CV-277

Judge: Jason K. Pulliam

Court: United States District Court for the Western District of Texas (Bexar County)

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Click Here For The Best Tulsa Personal Injury Lawyer Directory

Defendant's Attorney: Emileigh Stewart Hubbard, Vic Houston Henry


San Antonio, Texas personal injury lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued the defendant on a Carmack Amendment theory.

The Carmack Amendment 49 U.S.C. 14706 to the Interstate Commerce Act limits shippers' liability and allows logistics providers to operate with the knowledge that federal law holds responsible parties accountable for freight loss.

This case was filed in the 451st Judicial District, Kendall County, TX, 23-00470. and was removed to federal court by ABF Freight System, Inc.

Outcome: It is ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE by agreement of the parties. The pending Motion to Dismiss is DENIED AS MOOT. See ECF No. 10. The Clerk of Court is INSTRUCTED to CLOSE THIS CASE. Signed by Judge Jason K. Pulliam. (wg) (Entered: 07/16/2024)

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