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Date: 07-17-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Cody Benson

Case Number: 3:21-cr-05222

Judge: Benjamin H. Settle

Court: United States District Court for the Western District of Washington (Pierce County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: United States District Court for the Tacoma

Defendant's Attorney:

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Tacoma, Washington criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with wire fraud.

Wire Fraud - 18:1343, provides:

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

Outcome: 5 years' probation with mandatory, standard & special conditions; $100 special assessment; restitution = to be determined.

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