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Date: 07-19-2024

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Ramon Acosta-Rosario v. Ronald E. Lytch, et al.

Case Number: 23-CV-9077

Judge: Jennifer H. Reardon

Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Manhattan County)

Plaintiff's Attorney:

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On June 14, 2023, Plaintiff Ramon Acosta-Rosario commenced this action in the Supreme Court of New York, Bronx County. See ECF No. 1 Ex. A (Compl.). Plaintiff seeks damages for injuries allegedly sustained in a June 9, 2022 motor vehicle accident involving a vehicle owned by NFI LLC and National Freight and operated by Lytch.

Defendant's Attorney:


Brooklyn, New York personal lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued on auto negligence theories.

On June 14, 2023, Plaintiff Ramon Acosta-Rosario commenced this action in the Supreme Court of New York, Bronx County. See ECF No. 1 Ex. A (Compl.). Plaintiff seeks damages for injuries allegedly sustained in a June 9, 2022 motor vehicle accident involving a vehicle owned by NFI LLC and National Freight and operated by Lytch.

The Notice of Removal, filed October 16, 2023, attached the following exhibits: (A) Plaintiff's Summons and Verified Complaint; (B) the affidavit of service of the Summons and Complaint; (C) Defendants' Answer to the Complaint; (D) Defendants' discovery demands, including a Request to Admit and a demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars; (E) Plaintiff's Verified Bill of Particulars; (F) the “MV-104 Report of Motor Vehicle Accident” from the June 9, 2022 accident; (G) “Entity Information” regarding National Freight from the New York State,
Department of State, Division of Corporations; and (H) “Entity Information” regarding NFI LLC. See ECF Nos. 1-1 (Ex. A); 1-2 (Ex. B); 1-3 (Ex. C); 1-4 (Ex. D); 1-5 (Ex. E); 1-6 (Ex. F); 1-7 (Ex. G); 1-8 (Ex. H).

Removal jurisdiction exists only if the action is one over which the district court would have original jurisdiction. See 28 U.S.C. § 1441(a). Diversity jurisdiction lies where there is complete diversity of citizenship among the parties and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000. Id. § 1332(a).

Plaintiff sought remand.

Outcome: Remanded.

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