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Date: 07-19-2024

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United States of America v. Gustavo Belmudez-Ramirez

Case Number:


Court: The United States District Court for the Western District of Texas

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office for San Antonio

Defendant's Attorney:

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San Antonio, Texas criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Smuggling Goods into Mexico

Mexican National Sentenced to Federal Prison for Smuggling Goods into Mexico

A Mexican national who had been living in Houston was sentenced in a federal court in Del Rio to 51 months in prison for smuggling firearms and other goods from the United States into Mexico.

According to court documents, Gustavo Belmudez-Ramirez, 36, gave negative declarations for weapons, ammunition, and currency over $10,000 while attempting to drive through the Del Rio Port of Entry into Mexico Oct. 20, 2021. Customs and Border Protection officers searched his vehicle and the attached trailer, revealing two rifles and a revolver, as well as rifle magazines, scopes, bipods and $10,319 in undeclared cash.

U.S. Attorney Jaime Esparza for the Western District of Texas made the announcement.

Homeland Security Investigations and CBP investigated the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Izaak Bruce prosecuted the case.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 51 months in prison

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