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Date: 07-23-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Christopher Caleb Thomas

Case Number:


Court: The United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office for Mobile

Defendant's Attorney:

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Mobile, Alabama criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Illegal Firearm Possession

Fairhope Man Sentenced For Illegal Firearm Possession

A Fairhope, Alabama, man was sentenced on July 18, 2024, to 24 months in prison for illegally possessing a firearm after being convicted of a felony offense.

According to court documents, Christopher Caleb Thomas, 30, was arrested by Baldwin County sheriff’s deputies who came upon Thomas’ vehicle stopped in the middle of a road in Baldwin County. Deputies activated their lights and siren, and Thomas began to drive the vehicle away from the patrol car. Thomas stopped his vehicle after moving forward about 50 yards. When deputies approached the vehicle, Thomas was identified as the driver. They observed an empty holster on his belt, and he was asked to step out of the vehicle. Thomas told the deputies that the gun was under the front seat. Thomas knew that he was a convicted felon and that he could not legally possess a firearm. He admitted that he had bought the gun for $100. He told ATF investigators that the gun was in the holster on his hip until the deputies got behind him and he placed it under his seat after they activated their blue lights.

Thomas pled guilty to the charge in March of 2023. United States District Court Judge Jeffery U. Beaverstock imposed the 24-month sentence and ordered that Thomas will serve a term of three years’ supervised release when he completes his prison time. Thomas will be subject to testing and treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, and he is subject to a search of his person and premises upon reasonable suspicion that he has violated the terms of his supervision. No fine was imposed in the case, but Thomas was ordered to pay $100 in special mandatory assessments.

U.S. Attorney Sean P. Costello of the Southern District of Alabama and made the announcement.

The Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigated the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gloria Bedwell prosecuted the case on behalf of the United States.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 24 months in prison

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