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Date: 07-24-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Jason E. Shadden

Case Number:

Judge: Brian C. Buescher

Court: The United States District Court for the District of Nebraska

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office for Omaha

Defendant's Attorney:

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Omaha, Nebraska criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm

Omaha Man Sentenced to 16 Months for Offutt AFB Incursion with a Firearm

United States Attorney Susan T. Lehr announced that Jason E. Shadden, age 42, of Omaha, Nebraska was sentenced on July 24, 2024, in federal court in Omaha for being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm. United States District Judge Brian C. Buescher sentenced Shadden to 16 months’ imprisonment. There is no parole in the federal system. After his release from prison, Shadden will be required to complete a 2-year term of supervised release.

On November 19, 2022, Shadden drove to the Kenney Gate at Offutt Air Force Base in his pickup truck. Though he initially stopped at the gate, Shadden drove without authorization on to the base at a high rate of speed and almost struck an U.S. Air Force Security Forces patrol vehicle. Shadden drove in circles in a parking lot and continued to drive recklessly at high speed to other locations on the installation. He was diverted onto the grass and was challenged by Security Forces members with firearms drawn when he made it as far as a vehicle fueling location on base. Shadden stopped, got out of the truck, and surrendered there.

Shadden was detained and his pickup truck was searched. Officers found a Ruger .40c caliber handgun, marijuana, and paraphernalia including a marijuana pipe, a vaping device, and a vape cartridge. Shadden was interviewed and said he smoked marijuana before driving to Offutt from Springfield, Nebraska.

Laboratory testing of suspected marijuana from a glass pipe seized from defendant’s truck confirmed the substance as marijuana and liquid obtained from vape cartridges was confirmed to contain Delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol. Shadden’s urine was also tested, and marijuana metabolite was identified in the sample.

This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Air Force Security Forces, and the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment. After his release from prison, Shadden will be required to complete a 2-year term of supervised release.

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